Revolutionary Children: Giving Wings to Fly Through the Storm

in #parenting7 years ago

The whole goal through this series has been to talk about raising kids who emerge ready to rock this paradigm shift. Two days ago I thought I had finished this series. Then I began to think about my older two. My 19 year old has already left home. He left at 17 to stay close to his girlfriend of the time after the rest of us moved down here to Belize. In retrospect, perhaps I should have discouraged that more strongly. He's still living with his best friend and family. It's increasingly difficult to move out on his own, especially in excessively gentrified Asheville.

If you've been reading my posts for any time at all, you know I think my kids are magical rainbow unicorn fairy Angels. I seriously think the world of them. They are powerful and kind and amazing. My boy is struggling, though, y'all. He knows and understands the challenges we're facing right now, and he had this magical childhood and now finds himself in this situation of needing to work for the man to pay bills. I've tried to get him to start his own business, but he's so anti capitalism. I think my big goal for his Christmas visit is to get him on here. He's so damn stubborn. No clue where he got that from. He's looking at a devastated US political system, a desperate ecological crisis, and critical situations for the women, POC, and LGBTQ2 people in his life.

With his baby brother

I'm not here to talk about his personal situation, though. I want to talk about his whole generation. Technically he's a millennial, but it's that crossover from millennial to z. They're all looking at this train wreck of a world we've got going on, and then people complain they are destroying everything and ruining America or the economy or whatever. Seriously? Who wants to eat at Applebee's anyway?

I truly believe things are improving for the better. I believe the shift is well underway. Have you ever read Don Miguel Ruiz The Mastery of Love? In it he talks about how relationships help us heal our emotional and spiritual wounds. First, though, we have to clean those wounds, and we all know that shit hurts. I think that's where we are as a species. There's been a lot of hurting and anger for a long, long time, and it's gonna take a while to clean that mess up. It's gonna be ugly and painful for a bit.

So, those of us with birdies leaving the nest right now need to take extra care. This is new territory for me. I've been raising kids for a long time, but I've only had one leave, and it was super painful, and I don't think it happened in an ideal way. I know we need to give them extra support, but I don't know how. Having open communication lines is certainly important, and we've talked about how that begins early on. I've always had great communication with my kids, but I think there's still this expectation they have of themselves to succeed in that old way of understanding success. At the same time, the outer world is so depressing, so they kind of have a fuck it, what's the point thing too. This combo can leave them embarrassed or shy about speaking up, even if you're close.

Many, many moons ago

Maybe what we need to do is let them know it's all normal, and this phase of our evolution won't last forever. That it's normal to feel depressed, and that's a good time to reach out. That it's ok to be happy and have fun even when the world is crazy pants. That, in fact, it's really hard to effectively and lastingly change the world when you're depressed or hungry or too poor to pay bills. Yes, it's time to change the economic situation of this planet, but you need money to live, and it's ok to want to travel and have nice things. There's a fear that being too comfortable will make you complacent. I think they need to hear that being comfortable makes it easier to help others and help the shift.

I'm really thinking out loud here. Like I said, this is new territory for me. What do you think? What's the best way to help those leaving the nest in the current storm?

Pics are mine


Bravo @solarsupermama that was brilliant. Absolutely loved how you changed the perpsective of feeling depressed to be normal, that makes a lot of sense and it ties in with my own belief of embracing how you feel, if you feel sad you should be able to be sad, it doesn't last. Most of us, myself included, think of depression on a individual level. I have never considered it as a period of human emotion, as a species. Great work 'ma-lady'. I also want to give my simpathies to you son, I know how he feels. I detest 'the system' and it makes me feel down when I have to be involved with it. But like you said, it is what it is... I hope he can find balance and your advice about him joining steemit could be good for him? It has been great for me and it makes for something productive to do when you have idle time. You get paid to learn new things and basically write a diary! Keep up the good work and I hope it all work out.

Thank you so much! I struggled for quite a while with depression, and it's really important to feel it and not push it away but also not to lay down in it. I realized its normal to feel it, especially when we are facing so much ugliness, but it helped me so much to reach out and talk about it. As we clean the wounds of misogyny, racism, and anti everyone not cis hetero white male, there's gonna be sadness, frustration, anger, and more. I've been feeling the hit lately too. My temper's been awful, and I feel like I might explode in an ugly way any day now. Just the other day a drunk guy kept touching my shoulder, and I had to really restrain myself. My boy's feeling what we are all feeling. I hope he'll get the Steemit bug. He's actually an amazing writer.

All the more reason for him to get himself on here. Feels great to connect in a world full of sleepers and if he has a talent for it then he could do well out of it too.... Like you said, it does seem to be a group feeling. I have heard so many folk on the telly talk about feeling disconnected or withdrawn.Single Men and women are pining for company but have less places to meet and then don't learn to interact respectfully. I fear for the boy who dates my daughter as he has a lot to live up to lol.
You will get through the mood swings but it is difficult to socialize when you know you have a bomb ticking away inside(I know that feeling well). keep on keeping on girl. Just lucky we have kids around to help us stop and smell the roses.

Yes! The community here is so beautiful and supportive. I really hope it will be a blessing to him. He's already been in one soul crushing relationship. So glad for my kids for sure, and my boy will be here the 19th. So, so glad.

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