Fake grass is always greener

in #parenting6 years ago

I had a full day with Mummy today, Daddy was at work from early. It was nice. Well, it is nice to have Daddy around too but lately, Mummy is the one I am looking for a lot. I think Mummy is getting a little frustrated by the incessant attention I give but, she will learn to accept all of my love :)

It is kind of funny really because Mummy thinks that I miss out on a lot of things because of the various challenges I have but, I think I am actually pretty lucky. I don't get to watch cartoons or Youtube like many other kids yet, it isn't like I sit around doing nothing. Well, in the photo I am sitting around doing nothing but normally I am not.

Every day we can, we go outside together and play in the parks close by and I test all the swings to see which ones go the highest and like today, we go to the field with the greenest grass ever to kick the ball around. I also enjoy running along the lines to see where they will lead me. It is a lot of fun, you should give it a go.

When we are inside though, there is still a lot of things to do. I play my games of course but, I also help with the cleaning, put clothes in the washing machine and of course, my nappies in the bin. I think that when I am a little bit older, I am going to be able to do a lot of things by myself although, I hope I still won't need to wear nappies, they say "comfort" but, how do the adults that make them really know? I think it is a marketing trick.

Some night, Daddy tells me stories about when he was a little boy and had to do a lot of things for himself when he was quite young too. People underestimate how much responsibility a kid can have and instead hold them back and say things like "they are just a child." Being a child doesn't mean incapable it just means not quite as advanced.

What I like about my parents is that they don't talk to me as if I don't understand what they are saying although, when I am getting told off and I do understand what they are saying, I look away and pretend I am deaf. It becomes a battle of wits and luckily, I am very witty.

Pretty soon, my uncle @galenkp will be here and I am pretty sure that I am going to be able to manipulate him into doing things. He hasn't met me yet but he probably has met other babies once upon a time but, I am pretty sure he hasn't met one like me before. I have powers...

I just hope I am not too shy to use them.



I'm sure you'll trick your uncle to do absolutely everything you want. Don't be too shy! It will be fun. :)

I am already creating plans with my toys on what tricks we will play.

You must report your tricks here afterwards. :D

What I like about my parents is that they don't talk to me as if I don't understand what they are saying although, when I am getting told off and I do understand what they are saying, I look away and pretend I am deaf. It becomes a battle of wits and luckily, I am very witty.

😂🤣😂🤣 It's amazing how this works, isn't it!?!

I'm so happy for you all that you're going to be able to spend time together. Family is very important, which is something I believe that you both would agree with. (I also follow @galenkp and enjoy his posts.)

Enjoy every moment 👍

I am really looking forward to their visit. I am going to teach him all the bad Finnish words I know ;)

Pretty soon, my uncle @galenkp will be here and I am pretty sure that I am going to be able to manipulate him into doing things.

I’m pretty sure you’re right in this count. :) Looking forward to meeting you.

I had a dream about you during my nap today. You were brushing your teeth.

I often do... :)

Thanks for your sharing.

You got a 31.89% upvote from @ocdb courtesy of @smallsteps!

I think you're going to get your uncle to do many things and then some. You are a lot more than meets the eye and one see's it in how your mom and dad talks about you. My parents also never spoke to me like I was not able to understand, makes a difference doesn't it?

Have fun now and keep them on their toes

My parents also never spoke to me like I was not able to understand, makes a difference doesn't it?

From what I hear from my Nanna, she didn't believe in baby talk. Perhaps that is why Daddy, talks so much now...

Hahahahahaha, not a bad thing is it? Rather that than silence. Hope you're well little one

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