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RE: English Only Please. The Struggle is Real! (My Story)

in #parenting7 years ago

Hi @arrliinn! I think it depends a lot on what your main language is.

I have lived in Spain fro 14 years, so my language has always been Spanish. My mom was dutch, and she spoke dutch to us. I speak/understand both spanish and dutch.

With my own daughter, I have always spoken to her in spanish, even though she was born in the USA. It was natural to me, and I have made it my goal for her to speak to me in spanish. She is trilingual, which helps her learn another language quicker. She tries speaking english with me, but knows I only respond in Spanish.

So, it depends on you and what your goals are. What language are you most comfortable speaking? Do you want them to be bilingual or trilingual? The younger they learn, the more they pick up and the quicker they learn.

Have a great day! :)


Right now I think my kids would not "unlearn" English anymore so I am really very keen on them learning our native language. As I said on my post my eldest had a speech delay so I thought that exposing him to multiple languages was the reason. Aparently not because the other 2 started really talking around 18 months and they understand Filipino. My girl is already trying to speak a few Tagalog words when communicating with us so I hope that is the start.
I would love for them to learn basic Arabic also since we are here in an Arabic country...

That is great! I had my daughter take mandarin for a semester. She didnt want to continue, but she got exposed to it. I will try french this school year :)

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