The Reality of Having 3 Kids - Slacking Off

in #parenting7 years ago

I can barely remember the days that I just had one child. She wasn't on her own for very long though as baby number two arrived 18 months later!

I wanted to record every precious detail about my darling daughter's childhood

What I do remember is that I wanted to record every precious detail about my darling daughter's childhood. One of my baby shower gifts was a baby record book where parents can write down how they prepared for the new arrival, the birth weight of baby, their progress, their favourite things. Yes pretty detailed stuff isn't it. But I filled it in in my best scrawl and I actually printed out photos and stuck them in the book.


I wanted to do exactly the same as I'd done for my firstborn

For my second baby I bought the record book myself. I wanted to do exactly the same as I'd done for my firstborn. And it started so well. See I even printed out a photo!


After that it kind of trailed off.


I must admit that Mum Guilt ( it's a thing!) does creep in when you see your child filling in the blanks in their own baby record book.

As a token gesture I bought another baby record book

When I was 8 months pregnant with my third baby I'd still not packed a hospital bag , or prepared at all really. So I went shopping with my two elder daughters and as a token gesture bought another baby record book.


I think I wrote the baby's name and date of birth in it. One of my other kids started filling it in other day.

Mummy was too busy keeping them all alive

Oh well hopefully they'll laugh about it when they're older and realise that Mummy was too busy keeping them all alive to sit down and fill in their baby record books (Daddy was never gonna write in those books was he!) I'm sure they'll understand that when Mummy finally put them to bed at night and finished all her chores, instead of jumping up and recording their latest height and weight, she slumped on the sofa and watched Netflix instead. Just like I'm going to do after posting this blog! :)

MummyImperfect x


Nice post. Thank you.

Informative post about baby know mew thing thanks for sharing 😊

Nice writeup
Keep it up.

At least you've written in one baby book! I'm still waiting for phoenix last milk tooth to pop out so that I can use it as a keep sake, I've lost the other ten.

Same here! Lol!!

Sweet Mama !! What a beautiful write up :) Mine is already 23 and its nice to think back. Many time I wish to turn back time and let it stand still.

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