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RE: Raising a free critical thinking child.

in #parenting7 years ago

Beautiful writing Tony, it even gave me goosebumps, though I've talked with you before about how you raised your son, I have never heard the story about what he said to that girl that time, and how you explained to him it was wrong and told him all of the reasons why, giving him more Empathy. You are a beautiful soul and I'm so proud to call you friend. I'm proud to call your son my friend too. You guys are great and I only hope my sons grow up with as much respect as yours did.


I appreciate that it touched you in that way. I intend to write a few more articles about certain things to help with children. I hope they will be able to give parents a little insight. Trust me he was no angel and pushed me further than anyone ever has. At one part the school didn't want him no one wanted him. He wasn't living with me at the time he chose to be with other family in his teen years around 15 and I got him back turned him Around within a few weeks. The school called me and said they never seen anyone turn around so much so fast. Went from they couldn't deal with him wanted him gone. I took him away for two weeks he spent every minute with me. I got him to live my life as I did working hard long hours and do everything in the day that I would. Even the other men on site helped and treated him like he was the boss he was now responsible for the well being of hard men in the hot sun. Can't let them
down or upset them without them there is no business. Even they were grinding teeth if he wasn't my boy they would have killed him. His last moment with them they asked me if they could say their piece to him. Sure ill mind my own lol. They said we love you cos your dad has done so much for us and we hve huge respect for him but you are nothing on your old man and are not yet cut out to be here if you were not his son and stayed this long we would have all left. He went back and finished the last two years with very high achievement in everything. I just showed him the truth of where he was headed. Explain to him what he was actually putting everyone through his teachers and family members. None of them deserved it. He was killing them with stress. If he was stressing me that first week I can imagine how everyone else wasn't coping if I struggled so much. I had to calm and beg my men that it's only two weeks. Takes a bit for anyone to bother me. He was definitely trying too. But I explained how much unnecessary pressure and stress he was putting himself under. I was totally amazed when they called me from
The school saying what they said. He'd become a roll model to others and they asked me in these exact words "we don't know what you done but do you have any room for the rest of these little arseholes like he was. " they couldn't blow enough smoke up my arse for it praising me. But the reality was he saw something in it that made him click. He has actually now become certified to council and I told him he can't help people without life experience. He say dad I thought you be proud I'm finally doing something. I said I am but how you going to help a man that just lost his wife or child? What would you know about his situation. He laughed at me saying that they train him for this. Started explaining what he knew. I cut him off and said how could you possibly help me with anything cos if I can't help myself what would you know? Like I'm
Coming to you for advice? . That stopped him In his tracks and really made h think. Lightbulb moment called me back few months later saying dad I get what you mean. Lol you know my joke at him in the post. He went on to tell me that he wants to go into the section to help troubled kids. 😂 I know everything about that dad. I could not agree more. They are always our babies. Sis you are a very special friend to me and I'm so glad to have you as such a close friend. ❤️U

You are so special to me too, and I can't describe how amazing it is to read your writings here! This place is really beginning to feel like HOME!!!!!!!!