Mommy Frustrations: Please Let Me Fix It!

in #parenting6 years ago

Being a parent comes with lots and lots of challenges. Any parent will tell you that some days are just plain hard. It comes with the job description. It is definitely one of the most challenging and rewarding roles you can ever play in someone else’s life. This morning was a particularly difficult one. Both kids just woke up in an extremely emotional state. It’s normal for grumpy Kata as she is not a morning person. It is not normal for my little happy Soren.

He’s an extremely sensitive soul and has been having ‘little accidents’ for a few months now. He’s very sensitive about it and basically melts down whenever we have to clean up the accident. I have tried all sorts of different things to help him. No 2 for him has always been a challenge. We’ve worked through always requesting a nappy to do it, to a fear of the toilet overflowing whenever he needs to flush it. He’s also a picky eater so getting enough of the right fibre in his diet is also a challenge.

Anyway that’s the history and this morning started with a clean-up. He just burst into tears and my heart just breaks for him every time we go through this. You can just see the heartache on his face and as a mother this is by far the most heart breaking thing we can see. Seeing that your child is suffering and in pain and there isn’t really much you can do about it. The worst part was that he stayed like that. Everything that came after that just made him burst into tears again.

I had to drop him off at school like that. I almost burst into tears myself just watching him walking away from the car. He looked so sad and droopy. All I wanted to do was jump out and hold him. To go back home and just spend some time just snuggling and loving him. This is what he needed and I couldn’t give it him. I had to go work. I have felt like this many times since I became a mother. This frustration that because I need to go work I can’t be there to fully look after them. That and the frustration of knowing that I won’t be able to fix everything in their lives for them and will have to watch them go through their own little challenges. Their own pain and their own suffering.

I understand that this is part of their lives and they need to learn how to get through these on their own. It’s just hard as their parent to watch. I’m also a very solution oriented person. I’ve tried everything from my side to help him so that it can stop happening. The reality is that it is in his hands now. He needs to come to the realisation that he needs to go to the toilet more regularly so that he doesn’t get constipated. To drink and eat what I ask him to and to ask me for help if he’s had an accident. The ball is really in his court and all I can do is watch and encourage in any way that I can. That doesn’t mean that it’s not incredibly difficult for me to watch. It just means that this is yet another Mommy frustration that I have to embrace and accept.

Thank you for reading and remember to keep smiling 😊
All photos were taken by me 😊, with my Samsung Galaxy S8.

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Poor guy! This must be so distressing for him and you! My daughter had problems with constipation. I took her to the Dr. and they told me to give her miralax every day. It's totally safe, and if you were to stir it up in his drink, it dissolves and is clear, odorless, and tasteless. Maybe something to look into if you haven't already. Hope he is better soon! ❤

Thank you @snowpea. Yes it's quite a challenge. I am giving him something called Lacson everyday. Will see if we have Miralex or something similar here as he doesn't really like the taste of the Lacson.

Many young boys I have heard of suffer with this and overcome it around puberty age.

Personally I think not to make too much fuss, assure him nothing is wrong.

When constipated I relied on Liquid Paraffin from chemist, something we were brought up on, desert spoon at night and all is well in the morning.

Thank you @joanstewart. I truly hope so. It's just tough watching him suffer like this. I forgot all about Liquid Paraffin will look into that.

Ah sweet Soren! Have you had it checked out jusi, perhaps there's a medical reason? Just wondering.

Thank you @lizelle, he won't let me take him to the dr. The main issue is that he holds it in for too long and then gets constipated. I am managing to get him to take a stool softner every day and I'm hoping this will help.

He's probably too curious to see what's going on around him ;) Dean used to have a problem with constipation when he just started walking & one day brought the ashtray to me filled with little 'bok drolletjies' :):) He outgrew that problem though!

Haha @lizelle that does sound like a very funny story. Shame I really hope so, it's not nice having to see him struggle like this. I'm also worried about something happening at school and then he gets teased about it.

Ah man, I really hope he grows out of it soon! I so enjoy reading your blogs, it's like I'm getting to know your little ones, you're so far away & they both sound so special, each in their own way! Well done on getting into the Daily Qurator. You should have a look at #thesteemengine, they give amazing support, real nice people, @goldendawne (the lady who does curation for @qurator) is also a member there - not to be confused with #steemengine.

Thank you @lizelle and I'm glad that you are able to share our lives with us through Steemit. I did actually apply to #thesteemengine a month or so ago and was rejected :( I suppose I'm not what they're looking for. I was very happy about the feature in the Daily Qurator, always makes a person feel good when you're scooped up like that :)

Try again in a couple of months, your blogging has grown of late👌

It's not a physical thing, it's just a mental and emotional thing... I have seen it first hand 😔

I've forgotten what it's like, mine are all grown up! Just remember my one son being constipated once (he had just started potty training) & he put his little hard balls in the ashtray in my lounge! He must have thought he was helping me! Luckily there were no visitors at the time ;)

My God son was exactly the same, I remember clearly the frustration and worry that his parents had... At the end of the day, he got thru it on his own and is now a highly motivated, independent and caring 17yr old boy... They work it out, conquer and learn from these times... 😊 Kids are way more resilient than we give them credit for, no matter how frustrating and heart breaking it can be for us parents... As you say, "keep smiling"

Thank you for the encouragement @freewheeler. I'm sure he'll get there eventually, it's just heartbreaking to watch.

Being mom is a tough job. And she doesn't have a day off. She has to work every single day. A mom will always be a mom for the rest of her life.

Hi! Just dropping by to say thank you for upvoting my entry. Appreciate it 🤗

My pleasure hope you win :)

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