List of 5 first year baby essentialssteemCreated with Sketch.

in #parenting7 years ago

In my mom groups a lot of first time soon to be moms ask a lot of very similar questions. One of which is what will they need when baby arrives!? I'm here to firstly say that babies don't really need much. These things are more for us then them though I'm sure they appreciate these things as well. Even for all my minimalist mamas out there, I think if you only got these five items you and baby would be very happy! So let's get to it, here's my list of first year baby essentials.


Kai being cute in his beloved bouncer.

1 Bouncer

When Kai was born he had reflux, so he was incredibly uncomfortable and would cry and cry if we layed him down so for the first few months of his life one of us had to constantly be holding him. We were exhausted! Then we got the bouncer. It was a magical moment when we could both lay down at night and get some much needed sleep. It was also useful during the day if there was something I needed to do but couldn't do with him strapped to me. I used to bounce him with my foot while cooking. He loved it.


Asleep next to Mrs Monkey in nothing but his diaper, he would prefer to be naked but... Poop.

2 Diapers

I think this might seem a bit obvious but I felt like I had to put it on here because it is of course one of my daily essential items.


Fast asleep snuggled up with his boobie during his first sickness.

3 Baby thermometer

I don't know about you but when my son is sick I can quite easily slip being a stressed emotional mess and regularly monitoring his fever helped me keep my cool and know where he's at so I could know what steps to take. All in all it was essential for us through those first couple of sicknesses.


Wrapped up tight in the baby k'tan with his granny.

4 Sling

A wonderful way to keep baby close to you, especially during those first few months and still get things done. Also really great way of getting around and traveling. My beautiful son is now 14 months and we still love walking around snuggled up close to each other in our wrap. Oh and my favorite wrap is the baby k'tan. Super easy to use, quick to put on and off, quick and easy to slip baby in and out of, fairly easy to nurse in and it comes in really light breathable material so we don't overheat! I highly recommend it!


Sorry for the blurry picture but it was an action shot. Kai was dancing with his music makers shaking them intensely.

5 Music maker

Children will pretty much make anything into a toy so that's not really an issue but not everything plays music and music is really important to our lives. It will perk Kai up no matter what's going on. He, like us all really, loves to dance so music is absolutely essential to our daily life. We have a few music makers however our phone is of course the best one because it holds a lot and is portable. Though if you decide to use your phone maybe invest in a life proof case... Cause you know, babies. Lol

I would absolutely LOVE to know what your first year baby essentials are so please let me know in the comments! Lots of love to you all and of course let's all chose to have a spectacular day!


Wow! Thanks so much for sharing this list! It's so refreshing to read your post as I have heard from so many other people that babies are so expensive and "need" so many things. I am more of a minimalist and greatly appreciate reading your post ! Thanks for sharing! Since I do not have any children yet, I am unable to share any personal essentials in return.

Oh I am so glad you enjoyed it! Yes I too always hear people say how expensive babies are yet in reality babies are not expensive, our choices are. We freebirthed our son at home and also are minimalists so really the cost is quite low. All babies really need is love and your time. ❤️

Wow... That is amazing and very intriguing! You also put it so well regarding our choices. Thank you sharing such great info.

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Wow! I never knew this! Thank you so much for sharing this information with me! There is so much to learn and I am so grateful to have so many people assisting me along the way!

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Will start doing that! Sending you all the love!

that is things i have to consider for my future kid.
do you prepare special food for the kid also?

Nope. He eats what we eat. His favorite foods are broccoli, potatoes, noodles, pumpkin, avocado, watermelon and tomatoes. But he will pretty much eat anything we are eating. When he turned 6 months we started giving him solids and he has loved it.

Beautiful baby 🚼

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