Who Has the Answers?

in #parenting6 years ago

Who has the answers?

When my kids were little they thought that adults had things figured out. I would tell them that adults don't have the answers. Of course, I wasn't talking about how to make mashed potatoes, change an engine, or grow some food...

I was talking about the true answers to life...healthy body, mind and relationships,
truthful and vulnerable communication, empowered perspectives, insightful and divine solutions...

Adults in general have had many decades more of indoctrination and experiences to overcome than the younger generations.  We have been lied to, cheated, bullied and threatened.  We have been jaded, biased and held to low standards of integrity.  We have been raised to do as we are told with grave consequences for stepping out of line.

Access to alternative ideas and perspectives were not part of our upbringing.  There was no internet or youtube! In my childhood the World Book Encyclopedia had all the answers that we all believed as truth--common knowledge--without question!  Our scope of possibility was diminished to what we were told, and there was nothing to contradict the information we were fed.  

It's difficult for many of the older generations to consider that we've been lied to about so many things.  It's easier to bury one's head in the sand and keep going on with what we know than to question, and have to rethink our entire existence.  Not only would we have to rethink everything, but we'd also have to accept the deception, which can take one down a very deep rabbit hole.  It's really dark down there!

Lots of kids I've known get really frustrated with their parents who are doing their best trying to keep their children on track according to their own awareness of things.  The kids are rebelling because they don't want to go down the traditional  path, and just don't understand why their parent's can't see the possibilities being brought forth through the younger generations.

I find there to be much less resistance and less frustration when we understand where people have come from, knowing they are doing the best they can with what they have.  Sometimes that means just accepting people where they are without judgment.

It's also the perfect opportunity for the kids to become aware that they are doing to their parents what they are complaining their parents are doing to them--wanting them to change.

Love and acceptance is something we can all benefit from, regardless of our own ideas of how to conduct our lives.  We don't have to do as others do, we don't have to look to them for the answers, and we don't have to be mad at them for their lack of awareness.  We each only know what we know, and we are responsible for living true to ourselves.

The answers are not on the outside -- they come from within.  

I am grateful to live at the @gardenofeden where we are each taking action to make the upgrades to life we are aware of.  We're not waiting for others to change or looking to others for the answers, but just living as true to ourselves as we possibly can.  

Here is some more food for thought:

The Importance of Supporting the Dreams of Our Children

Generations of Change - Will you Live Up to the Integrity of Your Soul?

UNSCHOOLING - Interview @everlove and @larrymorrison


upvote 4 upvote?

Yes I also am from the age of before the net. I too believed that others somehow knew all the answers. Some people seemed to have it all together. However, usually that is just the view from the surface.

Yeah over 5 decades of life may have had an effect on me. Possibly I am somewhat jaded. It has taken me this long to unlearn much of what I was taught. No anger as they were honestly teaching what they believed. Now I see that many things are of tones of grey rather than purely black and white. I know I dont have all the answers, and I admit to being a slow learner, but I wanted to say I really enjoyed your thoughts @everlove

We were taught that others knew better. We were to be seen and not heard, and really never allowed to shine our light beyond our grades and school extra curricular activities. It is always surprising to see people from a more grown up perspective. As you say, it all looked good on the surface from our own little worlds.

Decades of being told what to do and always seeking out the experts put us at a big disadvantage. Most people our age look to doctors for their health (who basically have no heath training at all), to the schools for education, to governments for guidance, to TSA and police officers for safety, to the FDA, CIA, IRS, DEA....blah blah blah for the foundation and stability of their lives. No wonder our generation has become jaded. There really is much to look at if only we are willing.

Thank goodness there is a new generation of people who are bucking the system and attempting to stand in their own power of new perspective. Sometimes they are misguided and angry as there really aren't good examples that validate their hearts desires. They're going out on a limb to break free. I hope we will find our way to support the fresh perspective and live to see and experience the joys of a life based on love.

You have no idea how much I love this post!!

The true answers to life. Oh, how much would that change who we are and how we go about things, no? I am not talking in the here and now, although, it could be, but, who we were when we were teenagers or even young adults and it was our turn to make the decisions.

Oh, my! The only thing I could do at the time was what I was taught and endure the same consequences of my upbringing.

How different to have your soul free from that kind of stress? To have your mind swaying to your own music... Yes.

Thank you for your wonderful words and for how you approach life and pass it on. Enjoy the week ahead!

Yes! Just imagine who we would be!!! Oh my!! However we are playing the perfect role to break out of the norm and hold space for this new generation to recreate a world based on love. Yayayayay for us doing our part @dswigle!!

It has taken a lot of self introspection, a lot of dedication, courage and moxie to provide this opportunity for our children, especially where we came from. Ahhhhh...to witness our children thrive on their own terms, dancing to their own music with such exuberant passion. It has been totally worth the journey.

I'm grateful to feel the joys with you @dswigle, and to have you here on my blog sharing with me.

Wonderful post. How long do you live @gardenofeden and being on this new journey?

I've lived here since before it became the @gardenofeden.

thank you for a good, informative article

You're welcome @sergey44.

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