Kids Then & Now: Recreating a Photo 17 Years Later

in #parenting6 years ago


I finally got my kids to reenact the photo from when they were all wee children! We're getting closer with the reenactment. I've begged them to find matching outfits from the first photo and redo it again for Mother's day. Let's see if they love me enough :)

In the first photo they were 10 mo. 3, 5, 6 & 10 (I think!), in the second one: 7, 10, 12, 13, 16 and in the last one: 18, 20, 22, 23 & 27 (because of the way the birthdays fall with the oldest and youngest being born in November)


So yesterday was Thanksgiving (and my oldest daughter's 27th birthday) and it was a crazy day. I ended up doing most of the cooking myself because... well, I forgot that all of the years prior when we did cooking, the kids all lived at home and helped. I wasn't thinking ahead this year.

Abyni and Paris still live at home, but Paris was sick and Abyni was working all day on the big cooking day!

The rest of them live elsewhere.


This year I really felt old for some reason. I don't know, it was a bit... sad. I think it was the fact that I did most of the cooking myself, rather than it being a big family hubub of activity. Just having everyone come over and help with the finishing touches (and Jaedin's girlfriend came over and washed dishes while I was in the midst of cooking... she's awesome). I don't quite know how to plan for next year so it isn't as depressing. I thought I'd have everyone bring dishes so I didn't have to do all the cooking, but that seems just as, if not more sad than this year doing most of the cooking myself. Eh. It's not that the whole day was sad, I just had this low key feeling of underlying... melancholy, I guess.

On Wednesday I made some pies and got the sweet potatoes started. Yesterday I made:
Pies (premade crusts):

  • Apple

  • Cherry (I cheated w/canned filling)

  • Pumpkin

  • Coconut cream (birthday girl's request)

  • Pecan

  • and Chocolate cream pie with peanut butter cookie crust

  • Turkey

  • Ham (because apparently I'm the only one who still wants turkey!)

  • Stuffing (from a box)

  • Green bean casserole (ewwww... these weirdos LOVE this stuff)

  • Candied sweet potatoes

  • ginger carrots

  • mashed potatoes

  • Gravy

  • Homemade Noodles

  • Cranberry chutney (that turned out so well this year!)

And I think that's it.

It was a LOT of food, but there was a surprising lack of leftovers once it was all said and done. I mean, there WERE leftovers, but it was a lot less than I expected.

Anyway, a good time was had by all. We tried to play this game called "Bad People" but it seems like we're all just awful people. I think the game is more suited to people who get embarrassed or something. We could never really decide which of us were the bad people... because we all were. :/ Odd family game, too, when the first question is "Who is the most likely to have a secret sex tape?"


Anyhoo, I really need to make a post about my oldest daughter, since I've made one for each of the other kids. I missed it on the day of, because her birthday was on Thanksgiving. I ALSO need to acknowledge my One Year Anniversary on Steemit! It's been quite a life changing year for me!

I'll put those on the calendar for the next few days, hopefully!

I hope that you all had a wonderful holiday (for those of you who live in the US) and a fabulous weekend!


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howdy Byn! did way too much work! You gotta figure something else out next year or we're all gonna be depressed. Those pictures are classic though! lol..I bet they do the clothes things and do the remake, it'll be another classic!

Lol! I told the kids that we would have two days of Thanksgiving next year. One day where they come and help cook with me all afternoon and then the next day when they would come and help some mmore before we eat! :)

I really hope they do that! It would make for a wonderful mother's day present!

ahhhh I get it..well knowing your kids that's the way it's going down next year and it'll be a blast! I think you can count on it.

Like I say, you are superb. This makes me think of my future coz I also would not want to be the only one doing all the cooking. But, look at you, you are superwoman.

Okay, we hope for the best for next year. Sending love to you. Have a great year-ending and happy holiday. 😘

Thank you so much! :) I'm sure we will have a better time of it next year. I just wasn't thinking ahead this time! We are already planning on some pre-holiday- cooking days before Christmas.

Thanks for the comment :)

Somehow I missed this post 'til today! Too late to upvote, but not too late to leave a comment. Yes, it is weird how holidays change as the kiddos grow up. It seems as if they are all milling around and helping and/or getting underfoot forever, and then all of a sudden somebody gets married and moves away, and somebody is invited to a friend's house, and somebody else is all distracted with a boyfriend, and Mom ends up doing all the work by herself. And the older I get, the more work it feels like! My married daughter has hosted Thanksgiving dinner at her house a few times, and all I had to do was bake a pie and make a side dish and bring a jar of pickles, and that sure was a pleasant change of pace! On those rare occasions when they are all at my house at once, I try to make sure the girls are here early enough to help out a little.....provided they don't get so busy visiting they forget to! LOL! But that's good for them, too. I guess I haven't found a foolproof solution, but I, too, am working on options that include them in more of the preparations.
P.S. I love the pictures!!!

I don't know what my deal was. Our kids come over ALL the time and we often have months of weekly family dinners with everyone. I love cooking for those and it doesn't bother me a bit. There was something specific to Thanksgiving that really made me feel... the passing of time or something. I don't know. Holidays have always been weird for me anyway. Thanksgiving it really the only one we've always celebrated.

I hate the thought of going somewhere else (thus far, anyway) so I'm glad that we have the best house for entertaining everyone! :)

Thanks for the comment. It's so odd how things just seem to slowly change (and I'm LOOOOVING most of the changes!) and then every once in a while one big thing happens that just jumps out at me!

I totally get that!

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