in #parenting5 years ago


art by raksa.nl

What every mother like me ( secretly!) does.


Offcourse you prefer to do everything according to the so called rules. I always do, i always keep in mind the Rest, Clarity, cleaness, regularity because it defenitely works. But not always 100%. Then you have to improvise. (I do it and i know Some off you do it to VOILA tha CAT’s out off the bang WE are not super women).

I hereby confess :

.... I knew nothing when number 1 was Born, but Made i steem i was THE PRO

I Secretly I lie about bedtime : “Yes, you know, it's already half past eight! You have to get in very quickly!"

... every nowandthen I crawl back into bed after having taken the kiddos to school

... I let my boys pee against a tree shamelessly when needed, wherever we are!

... I don’t clean up toys every day

... every mum has shaved her legs with the raizor off her hubby, SO YES ME TOO

... every mother has once wiped the milk, slush or whatever of her child on her jeans, my jeans know

... I lie to have a headache when a trip to the Mother in law is on the planning

... I have bad mouthed another mum at the teacher in the schoolyard

... I let my child watch television, or put it behind the Ipad during my favorite daytime serie or an interesting #steemit / #steemterminal or discord message arrives

... every mother once screamed too hard against her child in public, NOT ME

Gotta run, you know we @steemitmamas are so busy!



Thanks for stopping by, its appreciated
And remember Focus on Being creative instead of Being busy !

  • “Consistent Actions Create Consistent Results”
  • “Not everyone is a blogger but everyone has something great to offer"

Lover of Life and L❤️ve in General - @brittandjosie


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Member off the #steemitmamas #steemterminal #powerhousecreatives #needleworkmonday and #payitforward and on Discord @ brittandjosie3488

Sources used : My own private stock collection, Picabay and Pexels and with others its mentioned in my blog.

I would like to thank all my STEEMIT friends who have been supporting me. Feel free to leave me any feedback.


Haha you have to break free from the patterns sometime or you will get caught in a rut!

Imperfection is the way we learn and progress as well.

It is easy to wonder whether you are doing well at being a parent. If you ever paused to look back on the body of work behind you, it would inspire you to keep going and progressing tirelessly.

4 o clocky!

Posted using Partiko iOS

I some times do a day of : no is yes and wrong is right, just to give the rules a kick hahaha and that keep life great and fun,
Oh and remember the contest #Learnandearn is still on love to know your learning curve

You're giving up secrets, shoosh you!! LOL

Anyone who hasn't or won't admit to do any of these isn't human. They might be Mary Poppins LOL. I think the hardest thing to do is to take time for yourself away from them and the house. That when you get to interact with adults it is a relief. I felt guilty and sadly my stay at home time didn't last long enough. I found when I did take that time, things were much smoother.

Just wait until you catch up to Quill and myself. Kids graduating High School and a Master's program. You sit back and watch this incredible person you have set forth into the world. I am just as proud of my son as I am my daughter even though he did not finish college. He wasn't ready and it went poorly. He's happy, engaged I couldn't ask for more. Yes I want more for both of them, but that is out of my hands now. I'm there now for support or a sounding board.

Hello @brittandjosie! I've definitely loved reading your post ... it's very funny !! Not every mom dares to tell this kind of thing they all want to look like the perfect moms in front of society, but they are as human as anyone. I'm not a mom but excellent story is still that way !!!

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