Feeding a Curious Brain.steemCreated with Sketch.

in #parenting7 years ago

"When somebody dies, where will all his stuff go?"

-- was the question that came out from my 8-year old son.

What the...

I almost fell off my chair!

Com'on! He just finished second grade! Do second graders really need to worry about that?!

But then, I found myself obliged to answer. The easiest possible way I could think at that moment.

"Their stuff stay with their family." I said.

Then I went on explaining the basics of inheritance and life insurance... (raising eyebrows?! I know! Haha) I found the opportunity to inject the subject so I grabbed it.😆

So I continued... "For example Mommy dies, and daddy is still alive - all her stuffs will go to daddy. But if daddy and mommy both die, our stuff will be divided equally among you, little sister and little brother."

"Daddy and mommy are saving now so that even if we die, three of you will have our savings."

Did he understand what I meant?

Children are naturally curious. They wish to satisfy their wildest imagination. So I am betting that he understood. Not fully perhaps- it will take a lot more explanation to cover the topic. But now at least he has an idea. Something to tickle his curious brain.

End (or not) of the conversation

Having said all of those above, I still reiterated to my son the fact that he is still a child. He need not worry about getting old or death.
Just enjoy being a child.

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May the force of the STEEM be always in our favor!


You know, I've been reading more and more stories like this lately. Perhaps the new generation are more inclined to ask the tough questions early on. It's unnerving and interesting at the same time. Maybe it's in the food they eat or in the programming they watch. In any case, this is a good sign for humanity in general. This kind of leaps and bounds development in thinking is what's going to propel us to the future quickly :D

Kids these days are really smart. And yeah, I partly think it is the food that they eat. But we eat the same food, so is it safe to say that we are getting smarter too?! :-)
I can go on and on about the unimaginable questions they throw my way - I cannot believe it comes from a child. hehe

We do! But, they're still developing so they have an edge. They're exponentially becoming smarter, so we don't feel like we're getting smarter all that much haha!

Hahaha. I feel like my brain has shrunk a lot and is not functioning in as much as it did years back. Pregnancy and 3 kids really took a toll on me - the "pregnancy brain" stayed behind even after delivery. I am glad to have smart kids though. 😅😂

Nothing beats the innocence of a child! :)

They are really very interesting human beings. Always taking me aback. 😂😅

Ahahahahaha... may be when they get in the age of 10 they will understand... as of now we must trained them so that when they get old, they will never for get... Proverbs 22:6

Hahaha.. too many questions...

OMG LOL. Where the heck did he get that?!

No idea. Out of the blue. 😅

So you mean the stuff won't ever die and would stay here. 😉
And what happens to our body when we die? 😉 😉
The 8 y.o. in me wants to know! 😇 😇 😇

🎹 🥁 🎷 🎺 🎸 🎻 I’m trying to use a lot of emojis here to Celebrate the World Emoji Day this week. Are you? 🎊 🎉 🎉 🎉⛄️

omg @zyzashu... you really echoed what my son asks all the time. He says that he prays to God that the day won't have to pass by fast so we do not get old fast (and die eventually). He is too concerned about death, idk why.

🎹 🥁 🎷 🎺 🎸 🎻 I’m trying to use a lot of emojis here to Celebrate the World Emoji Day this week. Are you? 🎊 🎉 🎉 🎉⛄️

Wow, everything seems to be celebrated worldwide everyday... Happy World Emoji Day (errrr, week) to you @xyzashu

Thank You! 💕 💞 💓 💗
But I don't think there is any World GIF Day yet 🤔. So you can take an initiative to declare some day as World GIF Day and I'd be glad to celebrate and promote it 😆 😅 😂 🤣

🎹 🥁 🎷 🎺 🎸 🎻 I’m trying to use a lot of emojis here to Celebrate the World Emoji Day this week. Are you? 🎊 🎉 🎉 🎉⛄️

Lol, I will have to thinks about that. However, I don't think I have that enough reputation and power to declare anything on a "worldwide" level. 😆

I haven't reached the level of those kinds of conversations yet. Mine is just starting to be curious and really be able to express that. He asked yesterday if I had bonked his head on the playroom door when I was little just like he did. His mind was blown when I told him I didn't grow up in our current home. I think he thought I had lived here all of my life! I love how kids' brains work.

Oh dearie! His brains must buzzing from the thought! 😉
Do you mind me asking, how old is your Little man?!

He will be three in September. I'd say two but he acts and talks so much older than a two year old. He talks about his birthday on stop right now.

Oh I can imagine! My girl turned 3 last June and still mentions about her birthday everynow and then. All cakes need to have candles that she can blow, and balloons are hers for her birthday.. 😉😉

We just celebrated the baby's first birthday. He had such a hard time with it! He eventually accepted and moved on, and he's even gotten really great at sharing the last two weeks (although at first, everything she got for her birthday was allllll his!)

Hahaha. Terrible, errr terrific 2's they're just a handful aren't they?! But definitely adorable. Our life as moms are a borderline insane. Haha

I would say he's definitely an"threenager" now. I loved the twos...I'm not going to lie...but I can already tell the threes will be my challenge. Good hung I just read a blog post about patience in parenting!

Omg. My girl can now pass to become an actress- pouting, crying silently with small tears... imaginary gamès.. so yeah. The 3 is definitely another great phase. I am glad to witness these on my 2 younger ones cos we did not on our eldest. He was with my parents from years 1-4

That is an excellent job of parenting. Keep up the great work!



Thanks for the appreciation @creatr! Long way to go for us... baby parents.

I've had discussions about death with my children when they were younger, partly because we were all around when my father died lovingly surrounded by family. It's not an easy topic but children are so matter of fact! What happens now? What do we do with his stuff? Some questions are not so easy to answer as others but we try. :)

pssst! @arrliinn
You're only about 18 comments away from reaching the finish line. I know this was your 8th submission into the challenge and it's "extra" or above and beyond the minimums but it's also under 300 words. (265 by my count).

Yes. It's hard to discuss yet a fact of life so they need to know...

Few more stretches and finally finish line! I've been hitting the bandwidth issue here and there but 18 should be manageable today.
As for this post, I felt it was somehow short but thankfully my 8th so... 😆

My family was angry with me when I took my boys to their grandfather's funeral but it was my decision and one that I will never regret. They got to say good-bye. Touch him one last time. Ask questions. It was hard for me because that was my dad, but my boys were so curious. I didn't want them to see death as a scary thing, but as a cycle of life.

Seriously, life insurance??? I've never heard of that till after college! Leave that child alone woman!

nyahahaha, just had to give him a piece of my overloaded sh!tty brain. it's just the concept anyway. don't worry, i did not engage him in term insurance, whole of life, unit linked blah-blah! ;-)

Mabute lola..or else lolsss

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