Dear parents, please don't watch out for your kids to the point you're actually always finding fault

in #parent8 years ago

Because do you want to raise an angry and rebellious kid? That's how you raise one.

I am no parent and I know it's not an easy job, but here's what I think psychologically happens in every kid, or heck any given adult when they've hit their limit.

As a child, my parents were strict as hell.

I got slapped, spanked and even reprimanded in public.

As an adult, my mom can be overbearing as she picks on every little thing.

I don't know when exactly, but I specifically remember registering in my head, "Why is there a need to obey? The result would only be the same."

The same being, being nagged at and having any good I do thrown aside and ignored indefinitely.

Since then, it really didn't matter when I got my tattoo, what I decided to have for dinner, which girl I bring home, the amount of money I spent, shit I decided to splurge on, how explosively angry I get sometimes, whether I decide to bail on family events or whatever.

The result was always the same to me.

Yes. I was nagged at somehow everything above.

That... is discouraging, disillusioning and annoying as fuck.

That's why I just act on my own now.

That's what I believe is going on in every angry person's head.

So, regardless of whether you're parent, older brother or whoever, you gotta have that balance.

You can't shield them from failure, but you can't coddle them either.

And yeah, don't nag.

Nobody likes that shit.



P.S. If you think I am a ungrateful spoiled brat from this article alone, you'd know that I wouldn't care what you think if you indeed, read the article.

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