Cleansing parasites

in #parasites8 years ago (edited)

Coming from a background in medicine (nurse) my life path has taken me in the opposite direction, turning away from chemicals (most kinds) and going back to basics. Rome wasn't built in a day, was it? and so the Eastern, more holistic way of looking at the human being as more than just a body and curing more than just symptoms must have something must have something to it. Through reflexology and general interest in areas that my past coworkers at hospitals and medical centers would probably call off as bogus I am beginning to GET REAL.
What I really wanted to share was the fascination I felt when I shat (yes) out something...not so familiar this morning, but I want to give you a bit of background to the story:) So, as a nurse, I am not easily grossed out, I hope you are not either.
Currently I am staying (living, I guess) in Bali and my friend recommended me to take this parasite-killer-cure since many people carry parasites without being aware of it, and I have some slight skin problem which might also connect to imbalances in the inner organs and/or parasites. I decided to give it a try. This is a small bottle with extract from wormwood, ginger, clove and back walnut and you take a certain amount of drops in a glass of water three times a day for nineteen days.
I started on Christmas Eve and ended the cure last week. Did not feel anything in particular during or after, but this morning after yoga and brekkie I felt I had to go to the bathroom...
Once I was seated I figured it might just be gas, but then something came out. Gazing down the toilet I saw four small white-transparent blobs of unknown nature floating around. Yes, thats what you are looking at XD

I still don't know exactly what it is, it was not moving around or anything like that. Anyway, it needed to come out so its all good and I am feeling just fine. A friend of mine said that she experienced something similar when doing a liver cleanse, which is what I plan to do. I will keep you updated on that, it is recommended to cleanse every once in a while and I have never done this before. The past five years have been a slow cleanse on so many levels though, where I have felt the sense of becoming more and more who I really am, experiencing life much fuller than before. be continued. If you are a cleansing expert or have any advice or questions, let me know.

Update: Happened to google "gallstones" and apparently they can look a lot like this, so that may be it. I am still amazed of my bodily functions!

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