My real haunted house story

in #paranormal6 years ago (edited)

There are so many television series, movies, books, magazines, web sites, blogs etc..etc.. based on supposedly real ghost experiences. Many people believe ghosts are real. I believe in the existence of ghosts. In fact I have had very unusual experiences myself in the past, which could possibly be paranormal.


Many years ago I lived in an old farm house with two girlfriends Brenda and Steph. I'm not sure how old the house was but it certainly looked very old. It had four nice sized bedrooms, a lounge room with an old wooden fire place, a very long eerie passageway that went through the centre of the house, a bathroom with a large bath and a shower above the bath, a very large kitchen and an outside toilet. The house was made of solid stone and had a beautiful bullnose verandah that covered every side. Our nearest neighbour was about 2km away. We had no landline phone and no mobile phone (back in those days very few people had mobile phones) On the first night we had no power ( it didn't get connected until the following day) so we invited several friends to stay the night and had fun telling ghost stories. Little did we know we would one day be telling ghost stories about that very house.

house 1.jpg

Picture of friends in the kitchen.

Nothing unusual happened for the first month we lived there. Then one night when lying in bed I felt a cold gust of wind blow over me. The window was closed and the wind came from above my head. There was a wall behind my head. My dog Zoe slept at the bottom of my bed, she sat up and started looking at the corner of the room in the direction the wind went. She sat there for a while just looking. It was like she was staring at something or someone. Eventually I put it down to imagination and went to sleep.


Picture of my dog Zoe with kitten Sam

A few nights later I'm lying in bed and the door handle turns then the door opens, no one is there. I call out to my friends and they both reply saying they are in bed and didn't touch my door. One night the three of us and my dog Zoe are in the lounge room watching TV when we all hear footsteps walking down the passage. Being the coward I am, I stay in the lounge room with Zoe. My two friends grabbed the fire place tools and walk through the house looking for an intruder. All the doors were locked and no one was there.

Brenda said she woke one night and couldn't move as it felt like someone was pinning her to the bed and Steph said one night it felt like someone was in her room watching her and she was sure she could see a shadow in the corner. Poor Steph was also plagued with nightmares the entire time she lived in the house.

After a year Steph moved out, so it was then just two of us living there.
Eventually both of us moved out of our bedrooms and started sleeping in the lounge room (it was just to scary in our bedrooms.)
My friend had to go away for a week, so I asked my cousin who was in between jobs to stay during that time. He was an ex Army man and I'd never known him to be scared of anything, that is until he stayed in the farmhouse. He slept in my old bedroom. He said at night he could hear rhythmic knocking and a musky unexplained smell would come and go. One evening we both heard whispering coming from the kitchen. My cousin went to investigate and when he returned he asked if I unlocked the back door. I said, no! he said he could have sworn he locked the back door, he also said he looked around and there was nobody else in the house. Being so isolated you could easily hear if a car pulled up and the dog would always bark when someone arrived. We heard no car and the dog didn't bark. 15 minutes later he gets up to go to the outside toilet, he comes back asking "what the hell is going on?" He said he knew for sure he locked the door and it's unlocked again." Even though I suspected the house was haunted, I thought he was just trying to scare me, so I go and lock the door myself. It was one of those old wooden doors with an old style key hole. We both walk to the kitchen to put the kettle on and after 5 minutes I go back to check the door and again its open. I now know he's not playing with me. So we both stand next to the door he locks it, I check and it was definitely locked. We didn't move, waited 1 minute, checked and it was open. We did this another couple of times and the same thing happened. We were both really spooked, so we hopped on his Motor bike and rode into town. We went to the public telephone booth and rang Brenda to make sure she was still out of town and not playing games. She answered the phone which confirmed she wasn't anywhere near. I then rang Steph and she was also miles away. Nobody else had a key and even if they did, we were standing right next to the door, we would have heard the key turn but there was no noise at all. Brenda returned a couple of days later and my cousin left. The door never unlocked itself again. Brenda continued to complain about waking up and not being able to move and she also said she could often hear someone whispering her name. I think I may have heard my name whispered a few times, but my logical mind kept telling me it was my imagination. We lived in the house for two years.

Picture of Zoe and Steph's dog Mitzie on an old chair that was ready for the dump.

After we moved my friend no longer suffered from sleep paralysis and neither of us heard whispering again. This makes me think we weren't crazy and the house really was haunted. A year ago a friend and I were in the area, I decided to show her the old haunted house. I drove down the old familiar, dusty road that went pass the house, but the house was no longer there, it was replaced by a brand new brick home. There were no remains what so ever it was like it never existed. It was a strong solid house on a good solid foundation, most likely stronger than the one they replaced it with. It's a shame the house is gone, with a bit of maintenance it would have been a beautiful home. Unfortunately I don't have any good photos of the house, so I can't show people what it looked like.

So that's my haunted house story. I've tried to tell myself it was my imagination but the fact that several of us shared the experience makes me think otherwise.

If you've had a ghost experience I would love to hear about it.
Thanks for reading


That is really a scary story. But I agree with you that it's a shame that the old farmhouse is gone. People often don't see the beauty of this places, but maybe, just maybe ... it's replaced with a new one because the old farmhouse was haunted? Although I really don't know ... if it was haunted, if the haunting will go away by just removing a building ... I guess there's a whole lot more to do to make the haunting stop.

It would be interesting to know why they tore the house down. Hopefully the ghost has moved on and found peace. Thanks for reading!

That's really scary. And you stayed there for 2years? Wow! You really are brave, I wouldn't have stayed there for that long, really.

Hopefully, the new owners won't be hunted since they have demolished the whole building.

I noticed a swing set at the new house, so I'm guessing there's children living there, which is bit of a worry.

Kids... That definitely isn't a house for kids, maybe the parent weren't told about the creepy stuffs that go on there.

I just hope that its a bit safer for them now...

I told the owner at the time and he just laughed at me.

Awesome but creepy :-) Thanks for sharing with us @what-is-life

Sounds like an urban Legend :-)

deserved ups for you!

Thanks avizor, it was really creepy!

Hi what-is-life,

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Wow, thank you very much!

Hello well that is pretty scary i can't believe you stayed with your friend there for 2years!!!! i will have moved out strait away i will be to scared lol.

The reason I stayed so long was because I use to breed poultry eg... Peacocks, peasants, ducks and chickens and it was really hard to find another house to rent that would let me keep the birds.

Ha that makes sense but still i will be to scared to stay in the house. At least you were with your friend and dog:)

Oh, so scared! It's so mysterious and staying 2 years is so biggest bravery my dear friend @what-is-life. I can't stay there for a second!!

Thanks for sharing your experience!

God bless you my friend! ☺


Thanks again for your great support my friend!

Oh wow. This is a cool story. You are brave staying for 2 years. I would've been asking for my bond money back and getting the hell out of there! Being isolated in the country AND having an outside toilet just makes it even scarier.

Shame (maybe) it got bulldozed and replaced. Although I'm not sure if that would actually get rid of the ghost (unless they burned the entire thing with whatever was tying the ghost to the house--I got that handy tip from watching 13 seasons of Supernatural!) It would be interesting to talk to the owners of the new place and see if anything weird has happened.

It was a very scary 2 years. I didn't mention in the post that we did ask some locals about the house. The only thing we found out was that a farmer by the name of Richard lived there and his wife died in the bedroom I slept in. There were also rumours that some sort of cult practiced in the area some years before we moved in. But I'm not sure if there is truth in that rumour or if it was locals trying to scare people. I do know that strange things happened in that house.

The paranormal intrigues me, and I always keep an open mind. I'm gonna bookmark this to read more. Surprised you stayed there that long... I el have changed zip codes in a heartbeat. Any more stories? 😁

Only stories told by friends, some are very unusual. I'll post them at a later date. Thanks for reading

Okay... I'll be looking forward to those. You are welcome.

Nice job on this one - look at all those upvotes!
...of course we want more!!

Thanks lordnigel!

Never had a ghost experience like that. I have to say that I probably would have probably been moving out pretty quickly. That is one thing that I don't like messing with, you never know what will turn up.
The question I have for you is what possessed you to stay for 2 years with all of that going on?

Thanks for reading my story. I use to breed poultry, the property had a lot of pens and places to keep my birds. It was not easy to find a place to rent that would provide what I needed to keep them. It was also hard to find farming properties that would let me keep my dog. They don't trust dogs around live stock. Unfortunately it took 2 years to find another house.

Gotcha, I could understand that. I don't get the dog part. Here most farmers etc. will have a dog or two.

I was told me the problem with the dog was because she was part German shepherd and they didn't like that breed around sheep. Maybe they had bad experiences with that breed in the area in the past. I didn't really get it either?

lol, I wonder if they didn't understand the "shepherd" part... the dog is bread to be a shepherd... It may have been the Greman part, I believe they used the dogs in the war quite a bit. That may be where the stigma arises.

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