So you say you "SEE" dead people huh?

I just looooove talking to people! The more you talk to people, the more you learn. The more you learn, the clearer the picture becomes and the easier it becomes to put the pieces of the Paranormal Puzzle together. It pays to pay attention to what each person is telling you. Wording is everything and in the case of Intuitive Consultants (some say "psychic", I don't.) this is no different.

Many paranormal teams who claim to be "scientific", refuse to have an intuitive on their team. There is a difference between being "scientific" and ACTUALLY being scientific. If it weren't for having an intuitive consultant on our team, we would not have come across some of the much needed statistics we've needed in order to better understand the composition of a spiritual entity and other studies.

In scripture, there are intuitive people that were able to see future events, but this wasn't done by their own abilities. We see this in today's society where people who are more sensitive have visions and dreams about events which end up happening. But these are messages, not the ability of the person to somehow predict the future. Anyone who tells you that they have the ability to just go ahead and see the future is simply fooling you and even scripture warns of this.

But there is another type of intuitive ability I would like to focus on and that is the intuitive consultants "connection" with spiritual entities. When I talk to many Intuitive Consultants I ask what their "abilities" are. I will usually get the reply that they can "see", "hear", "feel" and/or "smell" a spiritual entity. Yes, I was fascinated by the people who told they could "smell" them. This makes me wonder whether they do the armpit smell tests in the spirit realm and if intuitive people are invited.

Notice the keywords.


Today, let's focus on the the "ability" to "SEE" and "HEAR" an entity. Is this REALLY some super natural ability? Does an intuitive consultant really need to "gather the energy" in order to see an entity? Of course we need energy to focus, but enough with this "hocus pocus" horse crap!

Here are some facts. A kid, usually, is capable of seeing better than an adult. As we get older, our eyes aren't capable of seeing as good as a child. Our eyes see light. Light is frequency. Each color of light has its own frequency. Our eyes can only register certain frequencies of light. Just like how as we get older our hearing get's worse. Our eyes are no different.

Take a look at the picture of a partial apparition manifestation caught by the Uini Research team and I want you to look at the photo as intensively as this guy who would "just look at it".

Oh boy, would you now just look at the photo.

Did you look at it?

That image was caught using a piece of equipment that allowed you to look at it called the "Full Spectrum Camera". The camera is designed to capture images of the light frequencies that our naked eye is not capable of seeing which then allows you to look at it. If an intuitive consultant can "SEE" an entity, this means that their eyes are capable of registering these frequencies of light and has NOTHING to do with special abilities.

The Uini Research team has tested the Intuitive Consultants on our team on multiple occasions to determine whether they truly have the ability to see and hear spiritual beings. In one case, we chose to let one of our Intuitive Consultants sit at our CCTV monitor along with a non-intuitive staff member and advise us when they saw an entity enter one of the rooms. We chose to do this after two of our intuitive consultants kept on pointing at the CCTV camera footage and saying they were seeing things in the footage that I could not. (Insert joke here.) That intuitive would then notify the other team members to go to that room and attempt an EVP session. (Electronic Voice Phenomenon session)

One thing we found intriguing was the fact that one of the intuitive consultants saw someone at the kitchen of a location we were at and told us to ask how he "burned his hand". Though we did not get a reply about how the entity burned his hand, we did hear a voice say "right hand". Does this mean that this intuitive consultant was able to see something on the CCTV system that no one else could? Perhaps, but obviously more data would be needed. But it is a good start.

"Hearing" is VERY similar, but now we are dealing with sound waves. The average human hearing range goes from 20 hz to 20 khz. Typically, the kids are the ones who can hear these frequencies. As we get older, our hearing frequency range decreases. Just for fun, see what hearing level you are at. Click the video below.

We ran a hearing test on on two of our intuitive consultants. One was able to hear beyond a 22,000 hz dog whistle and another was capable of hearing 5 hz. (15 hz below the average human hearing range.) Another thing that we are still researching into are the different types of sound waves and the impact it has on intuitive consultants.

The brain of course plays a big part still. The body parts all have to communicate to the brain and vice versa. But as for the 3rd eye...well, maybe it's time we should put that on the back burner and consider doing some other tests that focus on the main senses as opposed to just solely focusing on the brain. Now, this is not to say that the "third eye" does not exist as we have not proven this either way, but based off of the information that we had obtained after doing these studies shows that perhaps it maybe how a persons body develops as opposed to "special powers" as some would say.

Dr. John Foldy in support of Uini Research:





I don't know what is right or wrong.but I m the one who can See future event in dream.

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