My introduction - Paranormal Experiences

in #paranormal7 years ago

hello steemit, my name is chris aka Ghostwriters Paranormal
I realize this is a topic that is welcome by some and detested by many for their own reasons. Some believe that its all fake, some see it as anti religious to try to contact "spirits" and some just love to try to debunk. All of which is fine, it is what makes us all individuals. I myself have always been open minded, I have often asked myself... whats next? is this it? Especially when my grandmother died when i was 16 years old. I remember her telling me that when she was a young child that many nights she would wake up and there would be a man wearing a top hat, holding a baby and a lady standing next to him. My grandmother was one of the most honest people you would ever meet, and the fact she told me this the first time when i was around 12 years old I knew by the look on her face she was serious. She told me she shared a bed with two other sisters and everytime she would try to wake one of them to see the figures as well they would go away. So at a young age that made me question life as we know it.

I dont want to drone on, but I wanted to let you guys know that I am going to start a DTube account and I will be sharing my experiences for anyone that is interested. I can promise you that I will never fake anything. The bulk of what I experiment with is audio. I record EVPS in my home. For anyone that does not know. and EVP is when you use a recording device such as a digital recorder like in my case, or a phone and record in silence, but once its played back there are voices recorded that was not heard at the time of recording. What makes them VERY interesting at least to me, is when they directly reply to what you are doing, or what you are asking.

So far for me the holy grail if you will is a recording I got one evening during a thunderstorm. I put the recorder in the back bathroom of my house. It was a 40 min recording and there was only a few seconds that a voice was heard. The recording said their first and last name, and said the first and last name of someone that "did it to her"
the message was "its brittany brown, brian martin did it to me"
its VERY RARE to get a first and last name, so i googled the name and the first thing that I found was a news report on the murder of brittany brown. Crime stoppers was asking for any tips, so I contacted them with the recording.. 6 months later after contacting them via their website I called them. To make things even crazier one of my youtube subscribers found a brian martin that lived blocks away from where she was found dead. She was from Detroit, and found dead on KENTUCKY AVE.. im from kentucky.. I will post that as my first video on DTube as soon as I set it up.

My hopes is that I can generate enough money to put back into my research and continue looking for answers. My mother passed away a few years ago suddenly. I believe she is some of the evps I have received but its one of those things.. I cannot tell you 100% these are in fact "dead people" I have almost come to think the voices that Im recording are from other dimensions.. I also cover the mandela effect. Another can of worms I get it.. some people swear its real, others swear its not. I have spent years on youtube trying to build a community but we all know what youtube has turned into. I am hoping to talk to others that are like minded and discuss things. Im not so much wanting or trying to PROVE to anyone that does not believe and has their mind set that these things do not exist. Its just one of those things that when your ready and the time is right you will have your own experience that will prove it to you.

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