On the next episode of “Inside The 🐲Goblin Universe ITGU”
Hey Goblins
On the Next “Inside The 🐲Goblin Universe” Ronald Murphy and Bryan Bowden welcome medium Robbert van den Broeke and Johny Webb (CoHost of Dr. J Radio Live) we will be discussing Crop Circles, The Elementals, Raising Yourself (Vibration) to a Higher Power and so much more
Also we are continuing with our 3 experiments that each of you listening can take part. Any don’t forget the FREE Swamp chat room where you can interact with everyone.
This is Part 2 of this 2 part series.
December 5, 2017 at 8:00 pm EST/GMT
on Black Swamp Digital Radio
[ www.BlackSwampRadio.net]
SwampChat: www.unknownspirit.con/enhancedchat/index.php
Robbert van den Broeke website: www.Robbertvandenbroeke.com
YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/RobbertvdBroeke
Johny Webb websites:
Dr J YouTube Channel : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAzKzA_CL5QxGrijRowPDRA
Lean into the Fear™
Global Broadcast [outside the USA] 8:00 PM GMT: www.youtube.com/channel/UCG8qspgGU2RuCbMSS7DaYXA
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