Alternative Social Media ----> Alt Payments


PayPal just banned The Gateway Pundit without warning.

One of the top 250 websites in the U.S. with over 900,000,000 page views in 2021 received the ban hammer right before new years for extremely vague reasons.

They did it during _"limbo week" _too.

You know, that awkward week in between Christmas and New Years where everybody sorta pretends to work but doesn’t actually do anything?

Yeah that one.

All this sort of thing does is push normal people like you and me off mainstream platforms like PayPal, and towards alternative ones like GabPay.

Think about it:

First we were forced towards alternative news sites.
Then to alternative social media.
Now it's alternative payment providers.
A new parallel economy is forming right in front of our very eyes, but the corporate media isn't going to talk about it.

Why would they? It's embarrassing...

Joe Rogan gets 11 million viewers per show on average. Tucker Carlson (#1 host on cable news) gets 3.24 million.
GETTR just had 230,000 new signups in the last 24 hours. Including big names like Joe Rogan, Larry the Cable guy, Andrew Bogut, Andy Ngo, and Jordan Peterson.
As you can see, things are ramping up for alt tech.

Next up to bat will be alt payment providers.

Mark my words.


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