We flew Otay under a huge black cloud | Not always a great idea | Turned out to be a great day of flying

I picked up @paleotreats at his house and we drove to the Mexico/US border. There were already some pilots in air when we got there.

This was going to be the first time that we have been able to fly in over a week.

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The weather has not been good for flying.

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Otay is the only site that takes a South direction well.

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The only problem was that during the best time of the day to fly, it was very dark in the sky.

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It started to clear up by the time I made it to the top.

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@paleotreats launched first because he was on the launch before me.

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In typical fashion, I launched through the bushes.

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Once I got my self together, I wanted to see where Tony and the guys were going to launch from.

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Charles yelled out at me, "Do a SAT bro!"

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I replied " NO "

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Lets go see where everyone else is flying.

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When ever the sun came out, there were great areas of lift. The problem was that I couldn't get my speed bar out with my feet.

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I had to go back and top land.

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The landing was not smooth. The winds were gusting, and there was a small window on a down hill slop to make the landing.

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Nevertheless I had a down safe landing. The rest of the guys stayed up. I packed up after my second flight.

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It worked out for both of us. I had to hike out for about 30 minutes. And @paleotreats stayed in the air for about 30 minutes and landed near the cars.

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In the video @paleotreats says that he landed on a dead body.

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There was about 10 pilots at the parking lot.

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I found Tony

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Phil was there too. He brought a new wing.

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We had a great day of flying!

For more videos and post on paragliding or steem stuff, check out the links below.



I've always been weary of dark clouds overhead.
Sucky-suck ;) LOL

Nice flying, and this was one of my favorite videos you shot. Good work, dawg!

Hi captain.. good flying

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