
The truth that the Master taught was that in this world, we will have trouble. Those who would oppose good works, will do damage when they can.
As you pointed out. Those that have oversight of the saints, must warn everyone to be on guard for their well being, and for those whom they have obligations to. Such as family, friends, and the local assembly.
The Master was of course, teaching His followers who were of the descendants of Abraham. That is who He taught. The lost sheep of the house of Israel. Matt 15:12
Not the Gentile world then. Gentiles were lost and without God in the world at that time. Eph. 2:12
Aren't you glad that isn't true today?


I have been studying on the verses some and noticed that I don't hear much about those responsible for keeping watch. I know we don't see much difference between "wheat and tares" but the Lord does. There will come a day of reckoning. There will come a day of separation.

The promise was to Abraham and his descendants. The Messiah would come. He did. To them.
The House of Israel rejected their Messiah at that time. But, the covenants of promise doesn't end.
When the saints are called out, and then after the tribulation period. The Kingdom will be established as promised. God cannot lie.
We, as Gentiles have no earthly promises. We have a heavenly promise. Our citizenship is in Heaven. Phil 3:20
Our Apostle is Paul. Rom 11:13
We today are ambassadors of Christ. 2Cor. 5:20

oops got to get out of here. Work to be done.

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