Pick A Partner - International Women's Day contest by @funmiakinpelu

in #pap6 years ago

Happy International Women's Day to all women.

This is our entry for the #pap contest by @funmiakinpelu and @edumurphy. This was by no means easy for me. It took us a long time but we are here... We used the WhatsApp platform. Many thanks to my partner @badmusazeez

Bookoons🎂: I'm Bukunmi, nice to meet you
Bhadmus Azeez: ok...am ibukunola,nice meeting u too
Bookoons🎂: Nice name
Bhadmus Azeez: 😊😊 thanks
Bhadmus Azeez: meanwhile a a stylist and i like ur hair
Bhadmus Azeez: very full
Bookoons🎂: Thank you🙈
Bookoons🎂: #1600 will buy two big expression nah
Bhadmus Azeez: Lol,buh expression is #900 now.., funny you
[3/8, 10:52] Bookoons🎂: I wee add #200 pere
[3/8, 10:53] Bookoons🎂: I can make a braid wig from it you know😜
[3/8, 10:53] Bhadmus Azeez: Lol
[3/8, 10:53] Bhadmus Azeez: Wow...much do u make urz with closure?
[3/8, 10:54] Bookoons🎂: Funny enough....I've never sold ...I make it for myself
[3/8, 10:54] Bhadmus Azeez: U cant o..braid wig here is 20k without closure,45k with closure
[3/8, 10:57] Bookoons🎂: My hair is natural so it's hard to maintain jare
[3/8, 10:58] Bhadmus Azeez: Yh...natural hair with deir wahala
[3/8, 10:58] Bhadmus Azeez: Beautiful....what did u use for the invisible parting
[3/8, 10:59] Bhadmus Azeez: Organza? I mean d brown net?
[3/8, 10:59] Bookoons🎂: I bought wig cap with closure
[3/8, 10:59] Bookoons🎂: The brown is concealer
[3/8, 11:00] Bhadmus Azeez: Ook,dats cool...nd how much do u get it?
[3/8, 11:01] Bhadmus Azeez: Ooh..
[3/8, 11:02] Bhadmus Azeez: I thimk I saw sumfin like dat on youtube...but it was frontal she use...den using concealer at d end
[3/8, 11:02] Bookoons🎂: That was at the end too....to blend it with my skin colour
[3/8, 11:03] Bhadmus Azeez: Yh grt ideas
[3/8, 11:03] Bhadmus Azeez: U did a grt job
[3/8, 11:04] Bookoons🎂: Thank you🤗 boss
[3/8, 11:13] Bookoons🎂: You wanna be my partner for PAP?
[3/8, 11:15] Bhadmus Azeez: Oya na
[3/8, 11:15] Bhadmus Azeez: Lets do it
[3/8, 11:16] Bookoons🎂: Ok....
[3/8, 11:16] Bhadmus Azeez: Grt
[3/8, 11:17] Bookoons🎂: Start
[3/8, 11:22] Bookoons🎂: Oya nah....let's do it
[3/8, 11:23] Bhadmus Azeez: Have u seen the questions to ask
[3/8, 11:24] Bhadmus Azeez: So u ask the questions and I will start replying
[3/8, 11:29] Bookoons🎂: I've not
[3/8, 11:31] Bhadmus Azeez: Ok
[3/8, 11:31] Bhadmus Azeez: Check d group for it
[3/8, 11:32] Bookoons🎂: Ok dear
[3/8, 11:32] Bhadmus Azeez: So lets start now..
[3/8, 11:33] Bhadmus Azeez: Hi bookoons
[3/8, 11:33] Bhadmus Azeez: How are you doing today?
[3/8, 11:35] Bhadmus Azeez: Or before we start u can check zizymena post to know how to go about it.dat will b cool
[3/8, 11:39] Bookoons🎂: Ok dear
[3/8, 11:41] Bhadmus Azeez: When you are ready lemme know
[3/8, 11:42] Bookoons🎂: Have you read it?
[3/8, 11:42] Bhadmus Azeez: Yes
[3/8, 11:44] Bookoons🎂: Chai...it's long oh
[3/8, 11:44] Bhadmus Azeez: Lol
[3/8, 11:44] Bookoons🎂: So, are you ready?
[3/8, 11:45] Bhadmus Azeez: Yes o...u just have to copy and paste the questiona
[3/8, 11:45] Bhadmus Azeez: S*
[3/8, 11:47] Bookoons🎂: You got your own questions?
[3/8, 11:47] Bhadmus Azeez: Lets start with normal greetings first den d contest can begin
[3/8, 11:47] Bookoons🎂: We've done that
[3/8, 11:48] Bhadmus Azeez: ok good
[3/8, 11:48] Bhadmus Azeez: Oya your question
[3/8, 11:50] Bookoons🎂: I've got 3 questions for you, I hope you take your time to go through it and give me honest answers
[3/8, 11:50] Bhadmus Azeez: Okay no probs
[3/8, 11:51] Bookoons🎂: Question 1: As ladies, no doubt, we have been made to go through the worst experiences in the hands of men - Battery, single mothering, rape, sexual molestation by uncles and cousins and househelps. No matter what we say about how men also get these treatments, the truth is females are mostly affected. Being a guy, can you explain why you think these things happen? Simply put, why do men abuse women? And then, knowing the problems what do you think can be done?
[3/8, 11:52] Bhadmus Azeez: Hmmm,3 in 1 question
[3/8, 11:53] Bookoons🎂: You can start from the simplest...why do you think it happens?
[3/8, 11:58] Bhadmus Azeez: I think sometimes when u fall into the wrong hands,you need to know the person you are in relationship with,i do know pipu changes,but based on the way u treat them,dis is for the beating and single mothering, but the rape issue,I think its from the ladies,d way of your life,dressing and not walking in the right place at the right time...
[3/8, 12:02] Bookoons🎂: Ladies always get the blame
[3/8, 12:03] Bookoons🎂: How about men controlling their animal lusts?😢
[3/8, 12:03] Bhadmus Azeez: The reason men abuse woman...to be sincere I dont really know,but its not a good thing,they are meant to be care for and to be loved..if a man beat or abuse a woman,den I think he can do same for his mum nd sisters...because they are women too, what can be done? Yesterday I watched on instagram how a young man was killed and hanged because of rape in Yemen.
[3/8, 12:03] Bhadmus Azeez: No deary
[3/8, 12:04] Bhadmus Azeez: Any one find guilty of this should be punished just like how it is done in Yemen
[3/8, 12:06] Bookoons🎂: We can't kill every rapist can we? Rape is like a stigma, a lot of ladies keep quiet about it except in rare cases or when the guy was caught in the act.
[3/8, 12:08] Bhadmus Azeez: Thats true...d ladies should start speaking up now,fight for your right...we cant kill all rapist, but with enough examples , lessons will be learnt
[3/8, 12:09] Bookoons🎂: Maybe you are right
[3/8, 12:09] Bhadmus Azeez: Who want to die by hanging, d fear will be deir,if their is any thought of it
[3/8, 12:09] Bookoons🎂: On to the next question, You know how women are parading themselves around, talking about how they should have equal rights with men. How they should be able to work, eat, talk and behave like men. Now, most of these women abandon marriage and family hood for their careers. What do you really think about this? Is this the way forward?
[3/8, 12:14] Bhadmus Azeez: But do u want to behave like men?? Its good to follow your career but issue of equal right, I dont think thats possible, do you want to really work your self out too follow your career, u guys are meant not to suffer like men..so just be calm and enjoy yourself, you can just assist if their is need.
[3/8, 12:15] Bhadmus Azeez: Equal right? I dont really know shaa
[3/8, 12:15] Bhadmus Azeez: But I dont think it's a good idea
[3/8, 12:15] Bookoons🎂: You mean having equal rights is about suffering? Are men actually suffering?
[3/8, 12:16] Bookoons🎂: I'm not much for equal rights though, there's a place for a man and there's another for a woman.
[3/8, 12:16] Bhadmus Azeez: Haaa,suffering in terms of struggling to survive
[3/8, 12:17] Bookoons🎂: My dear if that's the case...we all do...it's not a matter of rights.
[3/8, 12:20] Bhadmus Azeez: Yh dats true.., but d saying what a man can do a woman can do better is a lie...can u use your urine to right your name on d floor?? 😁😁 but if thats the case its a free world...its left to d lady
[3/8, 12:20] Bhadmus Azeez: So on too d next one
[3/8, 12:20] Bookoons🎂: Ewwww....🤣
[3/8, 12:21] Bookoons🎂: Here's my last official question for you;

What turns you on and what turns you off in a woman? By extension, what is your own idea of feminine beauty? Fatness, tallness, business, shortness. Talk am.
[3/8, 12:21] Bhadmus Azeez: Lol abi na
[3/8, 12:25] Bhadmus Azeez: Hmmm,actually what turns me on? When my hormones kicks up,d testosterone, mayb because of beautiful, and body fragrance,d nice scent can make me go gaga, so beauty+fragrance is the killer...what turns me off,haaa body odour, mouth odour o, and bad habit or behaviour just like ceecee in bbn..
[3/8, 12:26] Bookoons🎂: You just had to bring Cee-C in...lol
[3/8, 12:28] Bhadmus Azeez: My idea of feminine beauty is good behaviour, fair or dark in complexion,sha be beautiful....also sexiness😜
[3/8, 12:28] Bookoons🎂: Hmmmm....I see
[3/8, 12:29] Bookoons🎂: I'm ready for your questions
[3/8, 12:29] Bhadmus Azeez: Ok.
[3/8, 12:31] Bhadmus Azeez: Everybody knows the stomach is the way to a man's heart ♥. But we rarely know what the way is to a woman's heart. So, can you tell me what the way to a woman's heart is? How can I make a woman love me more?
[3/8, 12:34] Bookoons🎂: Have you read this book the five love languages? It talks about the different love languages we speak...quality time, gifts, touch, heart of service and words of affirmation
[3/8, 12:34] Bookoons🎂: You have to understand your partner...quality time is key for me and words of affirmation plus heart of service, gifts and touch come in last
[3/8, 12:35] Bookoons🎂: Whatever works for her, you provide it.
[3/8, 12:35] Bhadmus Azeez: I havent o..touch as how,so if I touch u will fall for me niyen?🙊
[3/8, 12:36] Bhadmus Azeez: Abi is it what am thinking?🤔
[3/8, 12:37] Bookoons🎂: Not for me...could work with your lady
[3/8, 12:37] Bhadmus Azeez: Hmmmm, my lady?
[3/8, 12:37] Bhadmus Azeez: Ok sha
[3/8, 12:38] Bookoons🎂: Ehn. Even if you don't have one now, you will eventually.
[3/8, 12:38] Bhadmus Azeez: Lol..okay
[3/8, 12:39] Bhadmus Azeez: Cool tho
[3/8, 12:39] Bhadmus Azeez: Next question
[3/8, 12:40] Bhadmus Azeez: You ladies keep talking about feminism and women rights and all that kind of thing. But I am confused here. What exactly is feminism and do men have a role to play in it?
[3/8, 12:41] Bookoons🎂: Feminism is just about women having equal rights with men, take the same parts/roles with men in the society.
[3/8, 12:42] Bookoons🎂: About the role men play in it.....me I dinnoh know jare.
[3/8, 12:42] Bhadmus Azeez: Hmm,equal right sha...
[3/8, 12:43] Bhadmus Azeez: Okay o no wahala u are safe
[3/8, 12:43] Bhadmus Azeez: Last question
[3/8, 12:43] Bookoons🎂: Oh....finally....
[3/8, 12:44] Bhadmus Azeez: What one thing would you really want to change about a man if you had your way? Just one thing.
[3/8, 12:44] Bhadmus Azeez: We still got random questions
[3/8, 12:45] Bookoons🎂: Yeah...that'd be easier...no big grammars to deal with (I hope)
[3/8, 12:45] Bookoons🎂: Just any man or my man?
[3/8, 12:46] Bookoons🎂: For my man, I change his sensitivity to situations....men tend to feel differently from women and hence react differently
[3/8, 12:47] Bhadmus Azeez: I dont know o...mayb any man applicable to your man
[3/8, 12:47] Bookoons🎂: In fact, this applies to all men
[3/8, 12:48] Bhadmus Azeez: Different? How?
[3/8, 12:48] Bhadmus Azeez: Lobatan o🙆‍♂
[3/8, 12:48] Bhadmus Azeez: How o
[3/8, 12:51] Bookoons🎂: Sometimes, we ladies get all emotional about something and guys just don't understand
[3/8, 12:52] Bhadmus Azeez: Hmmm,mayb some guys...we too get emotional na and u guys plays otherwise
[3/8, 12:53] Bhadmus Azeez: Girls can shako ehn..all good sha..gonna b sort out on judgement day😁
[3/8, 12:53] Bookoons🎂: Maybe....
[3/8, 12:54] Bookoons🎂: Ahhhha....lounloun
[3/8, 12:54] Bhadmus Azeez: Yes na...since everything is now upside down
[3/8, 12:55] Bhadmus Azeez: Now your random question, just two should be okay or?
[3/8, 12:57] Bookoons🎂: Do you intend to build a career in hairstyling eventually?
[3/8, 13:00] Bhadmus Azeez: Yes I have a big dream about it...I just have to take my time to discover more, buts its a plan B which can also work along with plan A
[3/8, 13:02] Bookoons🎂: What will happen to your geology certificate?
[3/8, 13:06] Bhadmus Azeez: Dats why i said plan B,when I become a geologist, normally I wont have time for hairstyling, what am gonna do is open a big saloon,employ professionals to work for me,incomes will come in two ways and make it a brand.
[3/8, 13:06] Bookoons🎂: Awesome
[3/8, 13:07] Bhadmus Azeez: Yes dat d plan.
[3/8, 13:08] Bhadmus Azeez: So my question
[3/8, 13:08] Bhadmus Azeez: Whats your aspiration in life?
[3/8, 13:09] Bookoons🎂: To be an astute professor in my chosen field, a well traveled woman and a successful family woman
[3/8, 13:10] Bhadmus Azeez: Professor? Dats a long way to go
[3/8, 13:11] Bhadmus Azeez: Successful family woman, every guys wish
[3/8, 13:11] Bhadmus Azeez: Hope you are working towards it
[3/8, 13:12] Bookoons🎂: Well...the end is all that matters😋
[3/8, 13:12] Bookoons🎂: Definitely.
[3/8, 13:12] Bhadmus Azeez: Yh true talk.
[3/8, 13:13] Bhadmus Azeez: My last questions...is epic
[3/8, 13:14] Bhadmus Azeez: If you are stranded on an island with your worst enemy, just saying, what are the the 3 things u will do and wont do to survive?
[3/8, 13:18] Bookoons🎂: Enemy? Ahhhh....this your question is bad oh.

  1. I will turn my enemy to my friend.
  2. Look for shelter. Look for fresh water.
  3. Survive

I won't:

  1. Antagonize my enemy, he/she may kill me or starve me.
  2. I won't walk too far away from the beach.
  3. I honestly don't know what else.

This shuu nuh happen oh
[3/8, 13:19] Bookoons🎂: Wow...finally we are done...didn't know it will take this much time oh...thank you for your time Ibukunola
[3/8, 13:20] Bhadmus Azeez: Okay you too😊
[3/8, 13:20] Bookoons🎂: Chain....how will I copy and post this bayi?
[3/8, 13:20] Bhadmus Azeez: Lol grt
[3/8, 13:20] Bhadmus Azeez: Lozls
[3/8, 13:22] Bhadmus Azeez: Normal copy and paste na...go to your post,write d topic..and copy and paste,mayb 1 by one or if u can copy all if possible


thanks partner on this piece

Thank you for being a nice/cool headed partner. Hugs.

u are welcom.#smiles

Wow this is really beautiful. I am giving you guys a thumbs up for this DQmThvpucuKgVFXNCcWN6sq8um85fyjGd9B5cummZhk6pHS_1680x8400.png

Amazing post, partners. What I like about this is how you guys really had a conversation. It's almost as if the questions weren't there. We, the audience, got to know you guys better. Now, I know Bhadmus is a hairstylist and a geologist. Bookoons wants to be a professor. Sincerely, I have a lot to say about this. But for now, I will just say this is awesome.

thanks for writing in

Am already shying for yoh

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