My family is at high exposure for CoVid-19

in #pandemic4 years ago

My son works at a big box store

Not Walmart but a store similar to Walmart but with better products because many are made right here in the USA and they are a smaller company than Walmart is but they are in a the region and in a few states around here. I won't say his employers name cause I don't want to get him in trouble with his work. As this is my gripe not his. My son is a Utility worker at his job aka he brings the carts into the store, cleans up the parking lot, and restocks returns. But here lately the only thing he has been doing is bringing carts into the store. My youngest daughter who is in her Junior year studying to become a scientist with two major and a minor pointed out his job is one of the most dangerous ones right now.

I was like what do you mean

She says "Well, Mom think about it, most people use self check out, so the cashiers are not as exposed as those that get the carts, and dad works is limited who goes in, and even grandma being a nurse is provide masks, gloves, soap and hand sanitizer as are doctors and other hospital employees, so grocery store workers are at really high risk, but out of all the jobs in a grocery store the ones that bring in the carts are more exposed than any other position in the store." Then I thought crap she is completely right.

This is my son, you guys know him here as @ultrawing he hasn't posted in a couple of years cause he has been busy with work and other projects, but maybe one day he will post again

So how can we limit our exposure

My husband has a job that is essential also, though his exposure in theory should be less than our sons. But they both have no choice but to go to work or they don't get paid. As their employers are exempt from paying unemployment benefits because they have over 500 employees so unless they get sick, they don't get paid. Also my son's work would likely fire him as it is a low paying job to begin with. The bright side both my son and husband's employers are giving them more on the hour during this. But the downside, is we are exposed to a virus that can be deadly.

My son is doing his part

He had long hair and a beard as you can see from the photo above. But yesterday he shaved his beard, and today had me shave his hair, so he isn't constantly touching his face and hair moving his hair out of his eyes. I know he doesn't like to shave, and I also know he likes his long hair so his sacrifice is well noted. But it is hair and it will grow back, we only get one life though. So cherish your loved ones and acknowledge the little things, cause they are important.


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