What a terrible cynic I am, thinking Bill Gates and Tony Fauci could possibly be invested in killing people in droves in order to make them desperate for a vaccine fix!

in #pandemic3 years ago


On April 6, 2020 Anthony Fauci said, “I hope we don’t have so many people infected (by SARS-CoV-2, “Covid-19”) that we have herd immunity.” What is “herd immunity”? This is a phrase much bandied about over this long crisis; it refers to the circumstance of a majority of people in a given population getting and recovering from any given disease thereby acquiring natural – commonly life long – immunity from this disease. In short,Tony Fauci was getting worried, afraid, that Americans would acquire life-long natural immunity from Covid-19. This he apparently saw as not a boon, but a threat.

But, gee whiz! Isn’t Dr Anthony Fauci the saviour of Americans in the face of this terrible Pandemic? Doesn’t he want Americans to beat Covid-19 by all getting Immunity from it? That’s what I thought a Doctor would want, how about you, patient reader? So why is he viewing the possibility of Americans beating Covid-19 all on their own as something he hopes will not happen? I’m so confused.

I note that on April 2, 2020 Bill Gates said that a coronavirus vaccine is “the only thing that will allow us to return to normal.” Bill Gates is Tony Fauci’s "Capo di Tutti Capi”, his boss of bosses. Bill Gates resigned from Microsoft in 2000 and his Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation founded GAVI, the Global Alliance for Vaccinations and Immunization, in Geneva Switzerland. That’s when Bill became no longer a software monopolist pursued by the US Justice Department for anti-Trust violations but now a philanthropist on a crusade to heal the world by jabbing vaccines into every arm. These vaccines are tremendously profitable for anybody who invests in their development, for instance Bill Gates and his regional Capo “Doctor” Tony Fauci.

So to me, terrible cynic that I am, that provides an explanation of why Tony Fauci was not glad when he became aware that Americans were recovering and getting life-long immunity from Covid-19 without having to depend on the “vaccine” business that has raked in millions of bucks for himself and billions for his boss of bosses Bill Gates. Bill has doubled his fortune over the last 20 years on vaccines.

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has so prospered in the vaccine business that it has become the largest single funder of the World Health Organization with GAVI, which is virtually a property of the Gates Foundation, the second greatest funder of the WHO. It used to be that the Gates Foundation and GAVI were the second and third biggest WHO supporters after the US government. But President Donald Trump cut US government funding for the WHO in the attempt to rid the USA of the trammels of this powerful international combine. Trump tried to rid the government of Tony Fauci by firing him, but he was unsuccessful in that attempt. The President of the USA did not have enough political clout to get rid of Bill Gates’s vaccine mafia lieutenant.

When it was founded just after World War Two the World Health Organization was completely funded by its member nations. Member nations were and are concerned to keep their productive populations from dying so that concern was reflected in WHO policy. Over the decades since, member nation funding has given place to funding from foundations, principally the Gates Foundation, and from private companies, massive pharmaceutical companies that make their huge profits on vaccines and medicines. These private players concern is to keep on raking in profits from the medicines and vaccines biz. So that tends to provide a whole new incentive to the WHO which they virtually own. The incentive is not to eliminate diseases, to put it far too politely.

Shame on me! What a terrible cynic I am, thinking Bill Gates and Tony Fauci could possibly be invested in killing people in droves in order to make them desperate for a vaccine fix! What a nasty cynic I am thinking that Bill Gates and Tony Fauci are actually best compared to cartel bosses who want people addicted to heroin or Fentanyl so they count overdose deaths as good for business. How dare I suggest that the Covid vaccines that Gates and Fauci sell to governments to be distributed to the masses are nothing but designer addictive drugs more likely to cause profitable deaths than to save people from further need for the drug.

I’m sorry, folks, for being such a terrible cynic. But my excuse is that I have acquired this nasty habit of Following the Money ( expression thanks to Deep Throat, the CIA agent who brought down Richard Nixon). It’s just so illuminating when you follow who needs the money, who supplies the money and how they make the money.

When you consider Big Money there’s one name that has stood out globally far above the rest for over a century. That name is Rockefeller. Did you know that Bill Gates of today is actually Bill Gates Junior? His father Bill Gates Sr, was a lifelong friend and associate of David Rockefeller and all the many powerful Rockefeller allies at the top of the global power complex, and Bill Sr was a Eugenicist interested in Overpopulation Reduction. Bill Gates Junior is a lifelong protege of the Rockefellers. Bill Jr has been openly stating his support for population reduction for 20 years or more. This is a faith and a crusade he imbibed from earliest youth.

It is historical record that by 1905 John Davidson Rockefeller, founder and owner of Standard Oil of New Jersey, was the richest man in the world with almost three times the annual income of his nearest rival, second richest man, Czar Nicholas of Russia (owner of the Baku oil fields). It is also historical record that John Rockefeller Senior and Junior (along with their friends Henry and Edsel Ford and the DuPont brothers) funded the German Nazis and backed Hitler to take over the world. Global Government under the Nazi banner would have been the happy outcome if it weren’t for American and Russian workers screwing it up with their industrial production on the one hand and their sacrifice in the blood of 23 million dead on the other.

So, long story short, here’s Rockefeller plan B. The Pandemic, the Vaccine Pass, the Great Reset and Global Government at long last with the collateral benefit of the reduction in the population of useless eaters like you and me and our kids.

There’s a Rockefeller plan and I’m not making that up. In 2010 the Rockefeller Foundation wrote a report intended only to be circulated internally but it was leaked by someone within the organization so now it’s public record. This Report was a study of a hypothetical future global pandemic situation resulting from the accidental leak of a deadly virus from a bioweapons lab. The Report focussed on a core “hypothetical” scenario entitled, “How to Secure Global Governance in a Pandemic”.

Also in 2010 Bill Gates invested $10 billion in the World Health Organization and in January of 2019 at the DAVOS forum in Geneva Switzerland Bill said he fully expects to get a 20-fold profit from that investment. Being the psychopath he is, Bill tends to run his mouth with the typical psycho’s carelessness and contempt for the opinions of inferior humankind. In a public appearance in January of 2015 Bill Gates said, “We are taking things that are genetically modified organisms and we are injecting them into little kids’ arms; we just shoot them right into the vein.” That’s making him a 20-fold increase in his investment, folks, so what did you expect?

And about this global government idea. The vaccine people have their ideas about that question too.

On December 3, 2019, at the Global Vaccine Safety Summit in Geneva, Professor Heide Larson, Director of the “Vaccine Safety Project” stated, “… we have shifted the human population to…dependency on vaccine induced immunity and that’s on the great assumption that populations would co-operate… we have developed a world that is dependant on vaccinations. We don’t have a choice, we have to make that effort.”

The effort, that is, to make them co-operate whether they like it or not. How to do that? I know! Torture them until they give up resisting. Take away their jobs. Take away their children!

On March 30, 2020, Micheal J Ryan, Executive Director of the Health Emergencies Programme at the World Health Organization said this in a press conference:

“And at the moment in most parts of the world due to lock-down most of the transmission that's actually happening in many countries now is happening in the household at family level.
In some senses transmission has been taken off the streets and pushed back into family units. Now we need to go and look in families to find those people who may be sick and remove them and isolate them in a safe and dignified manner”.

At the moment very big “Quarantine Isolation” camps are being constructed in Australia and Britain at least. One of these in Britain has “residences” for thousands of people all ready and a nearby mortuary and crematorium. So your granny or your wife or husband or your little kid will be guaranteed a “safe and dignified” removal when their lack of co-operation makes it necessary for Global Governance. And our subordinate governments are all proclaiming Vaccine Passports. Everything looks like it’s going to plan.

What could possibly screw up this plan? Huge protests and other demonstrations of non-co-operation might be a problem but there are ways to deal with that. But what if there is Natural Immunity? What if we haven’t changed the human population to complete dependence on our addictive products? What if 20 years of fraudulence and illegal gene research hasn’t beaten 200,000 years of human evolution after all?! What if people start adapting, recovering and not needing us anymore?

Wow. This could be a problem.

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