Pancake Swap Up 17% Today, Could it Hit $100?

So initially I think a lot of people thought the BNB Coin was nothing more than a discount coin for trading on Binance. I think at this point most people are realizing it's much more than that, it's an entire ecosystem, and at least for the short term of the next couple months, it's replacing Ethereum as Ethereum fees are out of control. And if there's anything that's certain about Ethereum, it's that nothing ever happens on schedule and there's always delays, so I think it's fair to say that Binance's BNB Coin, and the Smart Chain is going to rule the roost for at least a good portion of the rest of this year.

One of the platforms leading the way is Pancake Swap. Now I learned about Pancake Swap a while back but at first wasn't that interesting, then was interested but not confident in my abilities to figure out how to navigate it. It was actually Cub Finance that I first wound up dipping my toes into, and after getting comfortable with Cub Finance used some of my Cub earnings to get started on Pancake Swap.

So far I'm loving it. We're up another 17% today on the Cake Token and things only seem to be going higher. I'm fairly confident we'll see a $100 plus CAKE Token by the end of the year and I wouldn't be shocked to see BNB hit $1,000.

Strap up and get ready for liftoff motherfuckers, get your CAKE Tokens now. I'm also very bullish on the Cub Token so going to be taking Cake and Cub when one spikes and dollar cost averaging into the other with my earnings.

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