BitLattice as a post-blockchain system in the literal sense
To hash-link transactions in a chain (line) was the simplest way to do "proof-of-history" which is why Bitcoin (2008) and Ethereum (2014) used that, and also previous work around that. BitLattice (2018) is the next generation there, and stores the state in a multi-dimensional lattice instead, a metric structure, so it's a "post-blockchain" system, in the literal sense.
That transactions are stored in a lattice, also allows BitLattice to satisfy another criteria for a successor to blockchain technology like Bitcoin and Ethereum, the inventor Hibryda says that the lattice as a metric structure makes it possible to do "proof-of-structure", mathematically proving the integrity of "chunks" of the state, that in turn makes it possible to "shard" BitLattice, a concept that Vitalik Buterin has said that an "Ethereum 2.0" would be built on.
BitLattice is currently in internal test net phase, with a public test net after that.
Read more
Cryptography as the protagonist of blockchain technology, Holochain, and BitLattice
BitLattice as Ethereum 2.0, and how sharding required a new state topology
many cheers , good break down
bitlattice is going to change the world
Blockchain is totally a revolution of th century
Great analysis about blockchain... The explanation is really effective and awesome... I love to read your content . @johan-nygren