Believe in yourself.,..

in #palnet5 years ago

Hello everyone,

Today's topic is somewhat a mixed type because few people think that it is more relatable to their story however few among us will say that it actually never worked. I admit things won't work in the start or even in the middle, but what should be the reason behind it why it didn't work? Maybe you just let it an air gun, or like shooting in the dark. One of the reasons for "why this thing didn't work for me?" is that we never turned our words in action. We just let ourselves flow with the stream without even going in another direction. The best example that I can say is that to take a bowl of raw food grains, uncooked! Sit with it and think that it will be cooked in a few minutes on its own. That is not going to happen even if you chant for hundreds of years that it will be cooked soon, it will not work and even you know this correctly. Simple selecting a goal and letting it flow likewise without even turning it into actions will never change your spot on your roadmap, you will be standing at the starting spot forever.

Similarly, just believing in yourself and sitting not doing any stuff will never change your present condition and you will end up saying it didn't work for me. You purchase a product and return or claim warranty without even using it, just because you believe that it will be faulty? Not practical, not realistic. You give a try then the second try.... till your last try and then you say that okay thing can't be fixed, I need someone's help and then you get it fixed. That's how things work. Stop thinking that you can't do this, don't fill your head with overrated bullshit it will only make a mess, so if your input is a mess then what you think, how your output is going to be? Keep your brain as clean as you can. Things will start looking easier, simpler and clearer.

Yeah, you will have some sat back in this journey but that will only be helping you by giving you extra time and a good point to re-think, re-plan to move forward. Sat-Back never pushes you to zero again it just demanding that you must be more experienced and clear to move ahead. If you think that your life is full of negativity then use this negativity as the positive thing and voila, you get your life full of positivity.
It may seem impractical, but that is just your thinking, trying changing it in action... And then speak to us again.

For me, life is painful most of the time and it is really difficult for me to get out of the negative happening around me. Life is not as straightforward as we think. The problem with me is that I can not even cry. So the negativity is killing me from inside.

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