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RE: That's not censorship

in #palnet5 years ago

"Censorship is the suppression of speech, public communication, or other information, on the basis that such material is considered objectionable, harmful, sensitive, or "inconvenient".[2][3][4] Censorship can be conducted by a government[5], private institutions, and corporations."

In no definition of censorship from any credible source of definitions generally and commonly accepted is censorship limited to the complete eradication of information. All such sources define censorship as the attempt to suppress or alter information. Clearly, hiding text, using threats of economic harm, and similar means is suppression, and happens on all the front ends on Steem. While information may remain on the blockchain, it is necessary to parse that information with a front end, which very few people provide for themselves. Therefore, front ends being the means of accessing blockchain data necessary, censorship on front ends is essentially censoring the blockchain.

Further, information can be removed from the blockchain by agreement of consensus witnesses. While this may not have happened yet, it can happen. It certainly may have happened, and I would have no way of knowing.

In fact, it is impossible to completely eradicate information, and always has been. While a particular author can be eradicated, censored by bullet to the head, whatever information they sought to convey cannot be. It is fallacious to claim that since information still exists that censorship has not occurred.

It's just plain wrong. No credible dictionary agrees with that definition.

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