61 Year-Old Homeless Man Leaves this Life a Hero

in #palnet5 years ago (edited)

Trigger warning: there are guns, bullets, triggers, violence and death in the video below. There are also heros, villains, damsels in distress, and quite possibly a fitting theme song. All that said, proceed with caution!

VIDEO: YouTube.com/user/elviswollenweber

Francisco Erasmo Rodrigues de Lima saved the life of a woman held captive by a crazed man who had her at gunpoint. The homeless man assessed the situation from afar and seemed to have had his mind made up that he would save the woman. As he went in for the tackle, the gunman retreated shooting him point-blank in the chest.

  • De Lima’s actions gave police an opening to slay the gunman and allowed the woman an opportunity to escape with her life intact!

For me, it is both a sad and happy story, which is not only mournful but also inspirational. It just goes to show, that day or night—God, destiny, situation-and-circumstance, or what have you may put you in a position where you can either stand by idle and watch as a disaster unfolds, or help to prevent it at great personal cost.

I'm Reminded of the Below Song

VIDEO: YouTube.com/channel/UC0DkKdEPNZvGusVGJUA2wOw

What say you, is this man a hero? What about the butterfly effect? Did you notice the cigarette he had in his mouth, did he bum that from someone? What if someone did not give him that cigarette, would he still be looking for one as the woman was shot dead in front of the Sao Paulo Cathedral?

Who gave him his last meal, and did he know it was to be his last? If he didn't receive his last meal, would he have had the energy to do what he did? Is the woman's life more important than his? How will his actions on that day change her life going into the future? We're all interconnected in this web of cause and effect and as the saying goes:

"Does the flap of a butterfly’s wings in Brazil set off a tornado in Texas?" — Philip Merilees

UPDATE: A depressing update to this four
year old drama, all may not be as it appears.


Thanks. Hadn't seen this edit of that event, and I don't think I'd heard before that he was homeless. Makes the story even more interesting.

Oh boy... I just realized a couple of things.

(a.) This story is like four years old.
(b.) I may have been victim to fake news.

A couple videos now have me convinced the blood on the hero's chest appeared immediately after the cops shot the villain. Specifically this video, and tomo news suggests other people have that interpretation as well. If the cops are what killed that man, it's doubly as tragic, especially if it was covered up too. Who knows maybe he has bullets from both the bad guy and the cops, or maybe the bad guy had blanks?

UPDATE: Meant to insert this slow motion video.

Hmm. I remember seeing it a couple times back when it was new (but without the extra footage and other cameras shown in this edit). I don't remember anything significantly different in regards to when the blood appeared. IMO it takes a few seconds for blood to begin squirting from a bullet hole. I think that's because the hole first has to fill up with blood, and after that it can begin squirting/flowing out. Being shot or stabbed in the chest is consistent with how the man died - slumping over basically dead on his feet. It probably got his heart or major artery. Either way, it sucked to see the cops ignore the dying man for quite a while as they milled about the villain's copse. Probably nothing they could have done other than maybe comfort him as he faded away anyhow.
Would his body not have been autopsied? Maybe not in Brazil, but here in Canada most deaths get autopsied unless the death was expected for medical reasons.

My bad, it was this slow motion footage right here which
has me convinced he was shot by a cop, or also shot by a cop.

Okay, yeah, I hadn't noticed him reach down and touch his bloody chest before. Just looking at that, it seems plausible he was shot (or also shot) by a cop. Which is standard for Brazil. I think you get a gun and badge after a 2 week training course there. Lives aren't worth much there, it's kinda sad.

all questions worth reflecting on.

I know right, kinda sick to my stomach now.
The overwhelming theme song for the unofficial
version is starting to feel more like Morissette's
Ironic. Now all I can think is, fucking cops. If I
spoke any Portuguese I'd like to know what
the actual and final official story was on his
cause of death and or if the media ever re-
framed it accurately. Some Pat Tillman shii.

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