Gath3r a money maker for publishers, readers and investors alike

in #palnet5 years ago


Things to know about Gath3r

On first instance the name Gath3r looks like a chaacter from a popular superhero
comic book series...
but it is not instead it is a blockchain based project that can help

  • The Audiances by paying them in crypto to stay on longer onto a website or an
  • Publishers, bloggers, site owners and content creators in helping them
    monetize their sites and content
  • It would enhance the overall experience of a website and at the same time it
    would help in securing other blockchain projects.

What is the Gath3r offering ?

1 In browser mining: This is one of the biggest tools that can encourage a

user to stay longer on to your site.
Let us say Joe has an website and to make money he has put a lot of ads on his
website. Most of these ads require a user to click on a banner or link and
complete an action for him to earn some revenue from his site.
A common drawback with this kind of advertising is that such action takes his
audiences away from his website.
Moreover such advertising is intrusive and can distract the audience away from
the main content of the website.

Gath3r ~ Browser Mining solution : Joe comes across a web browser mining

solution from here all he needs to do is embed a few lines of code into
the coding of his website. As a result everytime a visitor comes to his website the
browser starts mining Gath tokens a crypto native to the project.

This process makes money both for the audiance as well as the site owner/
content owner.

In browser mining can integrate well into the traditional modes of advertising o
can do away with ads on the website.

Merged mining.

Crypto currencies that have similar algorithms can be mined at the same time
giving more revenue.
A big benefit of merged mining is for the new and upcoming low budget
blockchain projects who need a network to help run their operations and protect
them from a 51% attack.
The web browser mining user base can provide the resources to mine this new
asset. Thus earning a reward and helping an upcoming project become
sustainable within budget.

In Conclusion

Gath3r is a tool that can be very effective for both the publishers and the
audiences. The publisher can set the percentage of crypto that would go to the
This can be a great solution to help communities and charities earn for a good

Watch out for the Gath3r IEO

The Gath3r IEO is scheduled for the second half of July. The details can be found

As the project would support other blockchain based projects so would be interesting to see how it contributes to the expanding crypto space.
It is an interesting concept from the consumers point of view and it remains to be seen how many people start using the browser based crypto mining opportunity. Once the numbers pick up the project may see good amount of traction.

Additional Resources

Gath3r Website
Gath3r Twitter
Gath3r Telegram
Gath3r Medium
Gath3r Facebook
Gath3r Reddit
Gath3r BitcoinTalk
Gath3r LinkedIn
Gath3r YouTube

I recently came across They are going to have an IEO in the second half of july 2019.
Going through the site I gathered the above mentioned information which I am presenting in this post.

Standard disclaimer : This is not a financial advice, Any investor may do due diligence before investing their money or hard earned crypto


OK... Please consider this coming from a blonde non tech... Would I be able to do this on any website? Even a blogging one? Or am I misunderstanding the point here?

Posted using Partiko Android

Hi @dkkarolien yes it should work just fine for a blog or any site as long as you have the access to the site code and have the rights to paste in a few lines of code. So that once the readers come in their browser mines the crypto for you and then
Wow you were so quick to respond to my post. You sure are one smart lady :)

Hope this info helps. Let me know if I can be of any further assistance.
Thanks for stopping by.

😅 My fingers often faster than my brain but thank you. I might hit you up for some help if I may? When I'm ready? I did my own plug and play WordPress site and I have some vague idea how to insert code.. 😂 Did my own adsense and few other things... I believe if you can read it you can do it. But I'm super in interested in how I can use my website for mining. It's called I'm very forward to ask questions and help without even thinking about it... But then I probably will never ask. 😂

Posted using Partiko Android

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