Please Read, Knowing This Info Could Save Your Life From The Covid Virus

in #palnet5 years ago


Here is a small peer reviewed study by world renown scientist that a medicine that is readily available and inexpensive that could save your life if you come down with the virus. South Korea, China and France are already on board with this but for whatever reason the WHO hasn't come forth to put this information out. Please write this down in case you should become ill you will know what to tell your doctor that you want to try. Some people can't even get in to be tested or are even not allowed in doctors offices or hospitals right now, send them this study and beg them to call you in a prescription, it really is that important to know.

Please pass this information to as many people as you can, this is so readily available and has been around for fifty years, in many countries you can buy it over the counter, the side effects for the majority of people may be a headache and/or stomach upset. I am sure many of you would rather have that then what the alternative could be. It can also act like a prophylactic (preventive).


I ask for this tomorrow, is it also in multiply languages?!

I don't know about the languages, you want to find yourself some chloroquine to use if you become sick. Hydroxychloroquine can be used as a preventive.

Dude you need to get the heck out of Spain if your for real there, it's about to become a powder keg of virus, in four days the number of infected has doubled. Andorra is still your best bet right now though their numbers are starting to rise also just not by the thousands.

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