Today, the lies from the leading liberal Candidates; just make me SMH in amazement, at this acceptable contamination!

in #palnet4 years ago

Some days I just have to shake my head! Today is one of those days.

When I consider what this Republic would look like if the liberals are successful. Here is a quick look at what they represent...various forms of evil, hidden in lies! The front runners were all lying today, and not small lies.

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Article on Bloomberg, passing sentence on older Americans:

Here is a view into Bloomberg's heart, showing how much he really cares!

Bloomberg said, “All of these costs keep going up. Nobody wants to pay anymore money. And at the rate we’re going healthcare is going to bankrupt us. So not only do we have a problem we’ve got to sit here and say which things we’re going to do and which things we’re not. Nobody wants to do that. If you show up with prostrate cancer and you’re 95 years old, we should say go and enjoy, you’ve had a long life, there’s no cure and we can’t do anything. If you’re a young person, we should do something about it.

So if you get old and sick...just go home and die! True liberal compassion....

Image from article:
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Barry Sanders lies today about a Violent Communist employee:

He has stated that this man is an unpaid volunteer, But documents show that he is a Paid Employee! He is promoting violence as a political tool....

And those like O’Keefe are making that harder to accomplish. After all, they can’t have people knowing that Sanders employs communist renegades hell-bent on seeing violent acts being taken out on their opponents.

To be clear, we aren’t just talking about a few punks who maybe incite a little vandalism.

These are people who passionately stated that if the DNC nominated any other candidate than Sanders, their journalists should be dragged “out by their hair and light them on fire in the streets.” They are young men who publicly applauded the acts of Soviet reeducation camps and gulags that killed millions. And those who would have no problem resorting to a 1917 Russia-like violence if they don’t get what they want.

The new face of liberalism....

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Warren's lie contribution for today:

Warren claims to be Native American, but tested at 1/1024th (BTW this is the margin of error in this test, so it is likely zero) Native American! She still claims minority status through this "link"; another day, another lie....

And yet it seems for all her talk of slavery reparations, the valuing of “women of color” and the condemnation of white privilege, those who actually find themselves in the minority find it hard to take her seriously.

Why? You might ask.

Well, apparently, all that talk is just that. Nothing more than mere words spoken to gain a few votes. Because as quite a few of Warren’s former staffers can attest to, her campaign has little concern for actual minorities.

Then she shows true liberal compassion, and fires Minorities on her staff....

As a recent article from Politico reports, in the past few months, a total of six women of color have left their positions in her campaign, claiming that they have been mistreated because of their race and gender. And that’s only counting those who have left her team in Nevada.

So the lie is alive and well, and living in the Warren Campaign!

Image from article on creepy Joe:
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The great lie on Joe Biden today:

Joe Biden agrees with the liberals that ONLY President Trump "jails" children! He was confronted on this with a question from a reporter. He, of course, lied when answering!

In an interview Friday posted on Facebook, Univision journalist Jorge Ramos took issue with a claim that Biden made in September in a debate in Houston that the Obama administration never put migrant children in cages — in contrast to the Trump administration.

“What Latinos should look at is comparing this president to the president we have is outrageous,” Biden said in September. “We didn’t lock people in cages. We didn’t separate families. We didn’t do all of those things.”

“You actually did,” Ramos said Friday, showing him a picture of an 8-year-old boy in McAllen, Texas, in 2014.

“What happened was all the unaccompanied children were coming across the border,” Biden said. “We tried to get them out, we kept them safe, and get them out of the detention center… run by Homeland Security and get them into communities as quickly as we can.”

So he is lying to cover up a lie, about a lie; seeing a pattern here? WOW, they have been getting away with this feces for Years!

Let’s not gloss over the fact that the interviewer caught Biden in a bald-face lie. Biden literally said the Obama administration did not separate families or keep kids in cages. Yet Ramos had photographic evidence to prove him wrong.

Funny how the media never point out how often Biden lies to cover up the facts. He’s openly lied about Donald Trump’s economy. He’s said that working class Americans aren’t benefitting, even though they have seen higher wage increases than any other group in the country.

SO, Which one of these lying scumvermin would make a POTUS we can be proud of?

THESE are the Best they can come up with? May GOD protect us from these Evil people!


sir smithlabs. So much lying I can't keep up with them. But I haven't listed to anyone for months now.

I keep trying to ignore them, but they keep getting worse. Eventually I just can't ignore them anymore, and have to point out their 'stupid'....


Stupid is as stupid does. Isn't that what they say about the Okies though? Maybe you have something in common with them after all! lol.

Bloomberg thought so, he came here to campaign....

Omm gala gala, LOL!


Oh did he? lol..that sounds like an odd place for him to be.

Waste of time. He bought a single congressman at the State level here. That man tried to overturn our new Constitutional carry Law. He forced a vote in a sub committee of 12 members, and it was rejected by 11 to 1....

Now he is trying to force it to a public vote, ROFLOL! He is so OWNED!


That's just disgusting. They need to make an example out of that guy and slaughter him in the next election.

Pay enough, and you can get the sheeple vote....


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