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RE: I spent the evening with my Son...and Captain Kirk, fun visit for all!

in #palnet4 years ago

Binge watching is good background noise. I liked Picard best in First Contact. Enterprise and DS9 were quality too.

I like all scifi, makes me think outside the Box! That is where I love to be!

Trump needs less help from the swamp, to help him thrive as POTUS...but I AM glad he is there. I want him there for four more years, to help us recover more!



Do you trust Bill Barr? For me, I am not sure. Picard was good in First Contact but doesn't some of the movies feel a bit too different or out of character of the major themes of TNG?

I want Prosecution, not investigation; beginning to wonder if he is any good....

Seemed pretty close to me, fighting borg. I just can't understand why they stayed with energy weapons. I would have moved back to rifles, pistols, swords, bows, and baseball bats; and cleaned them out!


I agree, if I was Picard, I'd have, bats, bullets, etc. But could these types of weapons and bullets pierce through force-fields? Worf did have a sword, at least, right?

The Thompson worked well on the holodeck....

The force fields had to be tuned to the Phaser frequency, so they are not kinetic. Data broke a Borg's neck after they had adapted, so hand to hand is a good option.

Worf had a Klingon combat knife, and it was Very effective! The Phaser shot to the hull, also marooned one Borg adrift, his shield didn't do him much good.


You would think that a laser would be as deadly as a lightsaber or a welding torch, the blue flames from a hot fire, right? I guess it depends on how much power they put in the lasers, right?

Supposed to be, LOL! The lasers I have are not to dangerous, but a couple will cut hide and start fires. Time on target is also a factor as energy delivery is cumulative.

I Like a welding torch....



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