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RE: Due to Outrage over Pelosi's mutilation of the SOTU speech; she is forced to order her minions to hide the shreding videos!

in #palnet4 years ago

Since they are losing significant numbers of Sheeple, it makes sense that they are loosing even more independent voters.

I bet they are afraid to poll them!



Well I was sad when your hero Yang got out, I know how close you are to the rest of the yang gang. Besides, I wanted that thousand dollars a month for free for life!

Hmmmm, was that 'Ying' Yang? I didn't know he was out....

But they are loosing votes faster than they can fake new ones!


Yeah he was my favorite and he is out dog gonnit. He was kind of refreshing because he was honest about what he wanted to do and he's not much of a politician.

Well, Ying Yang is slang for something else....

None of them are very polished, but Bloomberg thinks he is rich enough to Buy the POTUS job!


Hey it's the Yang Gang, not Ying Yang, don't insult my hero! Even though he's way out in left field he's still entertaining, did you see any of his rallies? He jumps off the stage and the crowd catches him and passed him around while he's all stretched out like a rock star!'s retarded.

But anyway, how is Bloomberg doing anyway, gaining any traction in the polls yet?

He is paying for EVERY vote, but he is gaining fast!

I still think that Ying Yang...fits better, ROFLOL! He wishes he was a Rock Star, good excuse for being on drugs....


At least Yang had a reason to vote for him, but he'll be back, he's pretty young. Should be interesting to see how far Bloomberg can buy his way into this election. Sure glad you're following this stuff and not me though.

I actually try to ignore these fools, but they keep doing really stupid stuff!

He thinks he can spend enough to get the POTUS job, how far we have fallen for this to be possible!


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