
You get those crazy twisters?

Sometimes, but not often. I have taken my Wife down into the hidey hole (storm Cellar) twice in 42 years of marriage. I have chased a few, but she doesn't like that too much.


It must be frightening. I've seen it in TV of course, a few doco's (documentaries) on rhem...Scary. we get cyclones here in Aus, really bad ones, but only in the northern parts of the country and on the coast, not in land.

I think yours are from the warm southerlies hitting the cold northerlies or something like that right? The winds collide and cause storm cells?

So...What happens in the hidey hole stays in the hidey hole right? Lol.

Not too bad, they are very rare here.

We watch TV, and play board games, in the hidey hole. I also listen to two meters (146.94 Mhz FM)for storm spotting reports.

Yes Texas blows, and Kansas sucks...tornadoes on the hoof, LOL! Your Cyclones are the same thing.


I don't like extreme wind weather events. I went through a CAT 3 cyclone up in Townsville. Was frightening.

It is VERY unusual, but Moore Oklahoma was hit twice, by a Cat 5 tornado in a decade!

I have worked the EOC (Emergency Op Center) on the HAM radio section for several storms.

One of our spotters was on a street that was showing a tornado on Radar, but saw nothing. The next morning we found that the tornado was just across the street, tearing up the businesses there. They still call him 'dead eye'...LOL!


What a clown. His name wasn't Richard was it?

Dead Eye Dick has a certain ring to it. Lol.

Those twisters are no laughing matter though I guess. The devastation is incredible.

When it happens, it is less damaging than an earthquake. When we move, I will have to build a "roll in" storm shelter for my sweetie!

I don't think he cares for dead eye too much, LOL! No his name is not Richard...too bad that would be better!

When they do happen, it is ugly. We get a lot of practice at storm clean up. The last time it was floods.


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