
oh I get it. That's very true.

The ironic part, is that they have moved so far left, they are loosing the less crazy democrats in droves! They won't even see it coming....


Oh that will be so great if you are right.

Pretty widely seen, so no guess.

Cartoonist Micahel Rameriz agrees
bernie scarecrow.jpg

Pretty funny, in a sad way....

lol..yes it is. Astounding that he's so popular when he runs.

Remember that the liberals have had control over the school system for half a century....

They have been pushing Communism as the "perfect" form of Government for almost that entire time; while teaching Zero History! In these schools, We are scum, and need to be punished.


That's very true. I was shocked that he ever got elected in the first place. That doesn't speak well for the country.

Yes we have a good little commie Senator there, SMH!

Working hard to destroy us all....

There are a lot of sheeple voting these days.


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