in #palnet5 years ago (edited)


With over 2 billion monthly users on Facebook, it has become the biggest advertising platform in the world, and the new way to make MONEY! 💰

This is because 2 billion monthly users is a lot of people, and last time I checked ✅, it doesn’t cost anything to communicate, so why should we pay to advertise? 🤯

So that’s why I win with FREE word-of-mouth advertising, and so should you, but there are 3 things, I believe, you still need to WIN BIG in this free world of organic play. ✍🏻

  1. A One-Time Payment / Direct Sales Offer

I’m all for MLMs, don’t get this twisted as I am involved in one, but if your only offer requires monthly payments, people are bound to quit. Let’s be real 💯, a lot of people are struggling financially, and monthly payments cause most people to quit if they’re not getting immediate results 🤦🏻‍♂️. Nobody can quit a Direct Sales opportunity since they have already paid, and what really makes Direct Sales opportunities so powerful, is the cashflow they provide to build another business.

  1. The RIGHT Knowledge

Too many times I hear, “knowledge is power”, which is a half-truth. It’s the RIGHT knowledge that’s potentially powerful. The right knowledge in this case for those looking to make money on Facebook is simple, treat your profile page as virtual real estate. 📲🏠 Don’t post to get engagement, post to provide value. It’s important to get engagement and engage with your audience, but if you want buyers, you need to provide your audience with value to buy into.

  1. Mentors Who Win AND Care

You wanna speed up success, find those who have what you want and invest in them, but make sure they care 💗 about you. I only do business with people I connect with, because I’m at the point where I simply want to win with my friends. I have made the mistake of investing in top earners who left me high and dry, so I am to be different. My advice is to truly get to know the person and/or people you’re putting your faith into helping you build your digital empire and make bank! 🏦

The biggest mistake I see many marketers make on here, in organic play, is cold messaging. 🤣

It’s funny because when people cold pitch you, you can flip them like pancakes! 🥞

Back to the mistake though, cold messaging is a lot of frustration, rejection, and wheel spinning! 🥴

In this game, there needs to be emotional connection and attraction 🧲 for a sale, because online marketers want to do business with their friends they KL&T (Know, Like, & Trust).

So how does one get people to know, like, and trust them?

By creating VALUABLE content that is VISIBLE.

People feel like they know you when they keep seeing your content, BUT your content needs to be valuable. Some people just want to be “Facebook Famous”, but we are on here to make a FULLTIME living, not look like we do. 😎

On the other side of this coin, if you’re putting out valuable content but nobody sees it, nobody is gonna ever buy from you, so it’s important to build an audience of new people, engage, and make your valuable content go VIRAL! 🔥

“If Content is the FIRE, Engagement is the GASOLINE, but you need BOTH a blazing fire with enough gas to make it go viral!”

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