Pathocracy... Rule by Psychopaths (Part 4)... Conclusion- The Lowest Common Denominator

in #palnet5 years ago 

 I began doing a political analysis from a psychological perspective about 25 years ago. I had about 365 pages of a book finished, the final chapter of which was entitled The Rise of Therapeutic Fascism- Entering An Age of Political Insanity. In this book I looked for a lowest common denominator- some identifying characteristics based on motivational factors shared by political actors within certain groups. What I came up with-as I wrote in the Asshole Quotient- is rational vs. irrational self-interest, or more simply put, outer-directedness vs. inner-directedness. Another way to put it; altruism vs. myopic selfishness. While doing this series I've been trying to come up with a name that includes Democrats, the left, RINO's. the Deep State and all of their useful idiots. The one characteristic that fits them all is the myopically selfish. Google defines myopic as lacking imagination, foresight, or intellectual insight.  

 To simply refer to them as "the left" isn't inclusive enough... perhaps globalists is an apt description, but once again, not inclusive enough although they all do seem to fit the description. I think that Fascists is the best description I can come up with- Fascism in this context is more of a pattern of behavior than a political ideology. Political Fascism is the belief that the state is everything- Therapeutic Fascism is that the self is everything and the state is the means of solidifying personal gain. So the great political cataclysm shaping up in America is the outer-directed Patriots, people willing to sacrifice for their country- and the inner-directed Fascists willing to sacrifice others for their myopic selfishness. Perhaps Progressives is the best name. Although the "woke" left seems to have laid claim to it, it is the Progressives of all political ideologies that have the world careening toward a globalist dystopia. 

  The Woke movement is largely the offspring of this unholy alliance of psychotherapism and leftism.  It is no exaggeration to say that the father of Wokedom is Marxism and its mother is psychotherapism.  The contribution of psychotherapism has been to greatly facilitate the creation of victims and villains for the leftist narrative of oppressed and oppressors.  Psychotherapism now often functions as an instrument for delivering negative judgments against those whose views leftists do not approve of.  In a typical instance of this role, last year a psychiatrist at Yale University condemned the current president via Newsweek and warned of the possible imminent extinction of the human race. Psychotherapism being just another word for Therapeutic Fascism. 

  Proponents of psychotherapy have a long history of collaboration with leftists.  One prominent psychologist and a member of the The Frankfurt School, Erich Fromm (1900 -- 1980), explicitly synthesized Freudian psychology and Marxism.  He believed that Freudianism and Marxism were truly scientific, though the philosopher Karl Popper more accurately described both as pseudosciences that cannot be empirically proven or disproven.  Furthermore, Fromm blamed late-stage capitalism for creating authoritarian personalities.  Also drawing on the ideas of Freud and Marx, Frankfurt School comrade Theodor Adorno and his collaborators seconded Fromm’s views in The Authoritarian Personality, which reports on a research study that focused only on the threat of fascism.  The book seemed to paint many traditional, conservative people as potential despots.  This analysis flies in the face of the obvious fact that the most murderous despots of the last century -- Hitler, Stalin, and Mao Zedong -- were all socialists.  

 The Nazis, contrary to the mewlings of leftist professors, were Socialists- Marxists as the quote suggests. Fascism is merely a tool- the method of implementation. Fascism is more a means of doing things than an ideology- most Fascists tend to be Marxists who understand that Marxist economics doesn't work, so they couple a totalitarian form of government with a corporatist economy. Viewed from in this framework, politically the "left" and the "right" are synonymous- both are totalitarian regimes, any differences are purely superficial. It seems that the political spectrum can be better illustrated as circular rather than linear. Finnish historical novelist Mika Waltari wrote: "For this is called politics and is the greatest of all arts, for sooner or later adherence to either party leads to one and the same end."

  In later years, the acclaimed humanistic psychologist Abraham Maslow showed a decidedly leftist orientation.  In her book about the history and problems of humanistic psychology, Joyce Milton remarks that Maslow’s list of self-actualized, model human beings “tilts heavily to the left of the political spectrum” and includes few religious figures.  He lauded Democratic presidential candidate Adlai Stevenson as probably a self-actualized person but rejected Dwight Eisenhower.  Milton wryly observes, “Thus, an unsuccessful politician who made speeches about world government ranked above a United States President who in his role as general merely organized the defeat of Adolf Hitler.”  

 Globalism being the ultimate form of totalitarianism, Maslow has it all wrong. Self-actualized people would naturally favor individuality and natural law rather than globalism- they're polar opposites. Maslow's orientation favors totalitarianism as anyone who understands his need hierarchy will attest. His whole psychological profiling of individuals is merely an excuse for state intervention... the more state, the better. It  does speak volumes, however, to the left's enamour for government solutions for social problems. 

  I suggest that so constipated a view of human nature is the Left's Achilles heel.  Firstly, it accuses statistically normal people of abuses they do not commit and thus elicits outrage — a strong motive to vote against Democrats.  Secondly, power is hardly the only, or even the most significant determinant of daily human interaction in this country.  Untold trillions of people throughout the historical ages have lived under monarchies and empires, where they enjoyed little to no power, yet still managed to create personally fulfilling (even if not idyllic) lives.  They have recorded their immeasurable humanity in the rich cultural artifacts they left behind.  Contrariwise, many in the West's politically correct, materialist, and now aggressively atheist constitutional democracies are unhappy, addicted and suicidal, belligerent and frenzied.  They suffer a crippling spiritual malaise, prominently evoked in so-called "modern art."  

 This brings to mind the young woman in the Shout Your Abortion video (#3) whose entire being is little more than a crippling spiritual malaise. She is so desperate for attention that she's turned to perhaps the most dysfunctional segment of society. The Left's penchant for deconstructing human nature into a plethora of mini-identities has broken apart the wholeness of human experience!  Divide and rule is the game.  The more identity divisions, the more categorical victims and the more claims to political power the Democrats can stake.  Other societies have also held a dissected view of human nature.  In Nazi Germany, the Soviet Union, and modern China, acceptability as a holistic human goes from strictly circumscribed to nonexistent.   

 This is the polar opposite of the principles upon which our nation was founded. What we can conclude is that this cultural war isn't about "left" vs, "right," so much as it is about patriotism vs. myopic selfishness- or if you prefer, outer-directedness vs inner-directedness. Inner-directed people tend to seek positions of power where they can enrich themselves through political "solutions," and if that tends to describe people on the left more, then so be it. Outer-directed people more often tend to look for social solutions to cultural problems- open debate and compromise. The reason that I included the article with Theodor Adorno's Authoritarian Personality is that inner-directed people tend to be more authoritarian, something Adorno completely missed in his diatribe against conservatism. Similarly, Maslow's need hierarchy is equally flawed as he equates it with being a part of the subconscious. God endowed us not only with certain unalienable rights, but free will. "Needs" are merely choices- for example, you don't "need" a new car... you want a new car. Maslow conflates (deliberately I believe) wants with needs. You need oxygen, water, food, shelter and perhaps clothing depending on where you live. Everything else is a want, part of a social construct. 

 So, America is at a crossroads this upcoming election. On one side are the Democrats promising "free shit" to the inner-directed parasites, and on the other Trump's outer-directed patriots (I'm not including Trump in this category yet- the jury is still out). This is really what the "cultural war" is all about- it's that simple. Socialism appeals to the inner-directed. As Winston Churchill said:  

 and the mantra of parasites we might add. The question is, are there enough outer-directed patriots to tip the balance once more, or has the cancer of inner-directedness infected America's soul enough to cause her downfall?  

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