Pathocracy... Rule by Psychopaths (Part 3) The Psychopathy of Abortion Activism

in #palnet5 years ago  


Isaiah 5:20 King James Version (KJV)

20 Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!  

 It would be remiss in our look at political psychopathy not to address the fanaticism that surrounds abortion activism. In no other issue has the psychopathy of the left been felt than with abortion. Like all forms of totalitarianism abortion began with making abortions "safe, legal and rare" and from there has evolved into "Shout Your Abortion." I make the link to totalitarianism because like all items of the leftist agenda, they believe that the government, rather than God is the ultimate arbiter of rights. Because abortion activism began around the same time as anti-Vietnam activism its storied history gives us a deep and penetrating view into the evolution if its psychopathy. 

 Abortion, perhaps more than any other issue, showcases the myopic selfishness that has come to define the psychopathy of the left. To its supporters everything revolves around self- even going so far as to take another human life merely for convenience. They eschew personal responsibility even to the point of demanding that the taxpayers pay for their irresponsibility. If you listen carefully to these proponents of Shout Your Abortion, their self-centeredness will be obvious- not once does either woman take any responsibility for their actions. 

 This woman blames pregnancy (something that she bears equal responsibility for) for limiting her occupational opportunities. It's almost as though they believe that people are unable to curb their sexual appetites- that we rut like animals. Her cavalier attitude toward taking another life is particularly troubling. 

 This woman is "uncomfortable" with the idea that someone might feel shame for killing an innocent child. She never had an abortion, she only wants to support the "sisterhood." Attention seeking behavior saide, her story isn't even believable. She comes from a "devout Presbyterian family" that she describes as being "unsupportive." What's likely is that they didn't approve of her drug use and other behaviors. That's another symptom of the leftist psychopathy, "if you don't support everything I do you're the 'enemy.'" 

 As you can see there are no tears, only bad acting. I include this video because of the "intervention" by Planned Parenthood... masters at using the illusion of victimhood to manipulate young women. This woman has some serious psychological issues as you can see, but victimhood isn't one of them. If she's a victim of anything it's her own unfulfilled desires another symptom of psychopathy. She's a perfect candidate for manipulators, be it abortion, ANTI-fa or any other movement predicated on selfishness. 

 Planned Parenthood and abortion are and always have been an extension of the Eugenics movement of the 1930's and before- an effort to rid the world of "human weeds," to use the term of founder Margaret Sanger- including blacks, browns, Catholics, Jews and other undesirables. If that sounds similar to the totalitarianism of the Nazis, it should- Sanger became a favorite of the Nazi hierarchy when she was in exile in Europe. 

 Sanger was also a favorite of the KKK, another Democrat/Eugenicist group.  

 Ironic how Planned Parenthood, the KKK, Democrats (and the Deep State) and the Nazis all have a similar agenda. Equally ironic is that the Nazi racial purification program was designed and implemented by the medical profession- psychiatrists and psychologists in particular. None of this has changed- to go off subject for a moment... these same racial purification techniques are now being carried out by the UN and many NGO's such as the Gates and Clinton Foundations along with Planned Parenthood. By infiltrating the educational system, abortion has become just another part of the national (global?) psyche.  

 To really examine the evil of abortion, we need to look at it for what it is... the taking the life of an innocent human being with no means of fighting back- in other words an act of cowardice. An act of cowardice supported both morally and financially by the government. We live in a culture where patriotism is viewed as an "extremist" view- called by the FBI "domestic terrorism," yet abortion, the murdering of babies is considered mainstream. Talk about calling good evil and evil good! Political correctness is a weapon used to silence any debate on matters that question the agenda or motives of the left. 

  The ideology of the Left is integral to the Left's power.  Democrats seek to codify political correctness into legislation as settled verities admitting no further debate.  This is despite the abject failure of their policies to solve the problems they contend need fixing.  The welfare state has spawned intergenerational dependence and misery as well as national debt.  Their self-appointed victims have not been healed by un-gendered bathrooms.  Yet despite facts, evidence, and rational thinking, which have all exposed the absurdity of the Left's current dogma, like fanatics, they cling to it more vehemently than ever.  

 The fanatical dogma of abortion is perhaps the best example of the left's hold on power. It's been with us for so long now that people barely notice and only a few even keep a record of the evil anymore. "It is a human tendency not to value something until it is under assault or lost, but in the case of abortion, there is little evidence to suggest that the American public, or mainstream media, is concerned with a blatant assault on the right to life of 2,246 children." These refer to the aborted babies found at the residence of Dr Ulrich Klopfer. It barely made a blip on the nightly news. Where is the outrage? Has this psychopathy taken over the entire country? 

  A quick google search will show that the story surrounding Klopfer has thus far received little attention on national television news broadcasts, with the large majority of coverage coming from local news outlets. One would think that an acceptable approach to finding the remains of 2,246 aborted children would be holding the nationwide abortion industry accountable for their business practices and nationally illustrating the reality of what abortion is, the active practice of ending indefensible human life, but that has yet to be seen.  

  A Gallup poll in 2013 found that American’s consider individual freedoms the nation’s top virtue. Such knowledge could lead one to assume that a people who consider individual freedoms as the nation’s top virtue would seek to respect and enhance the freedom of others. Yet, while such sentiments might be held by many, the lack of interest in the murderous actions of Klopfer have shown that Americans are desensitized to violence against the preborn, exposing a incomprehension of the most basic individual freedom, the right to life.  

 If individual freedoms are America's "top virtue," what about the individual freedoms of the unborn. The Declaration of Independence lists "life" as the number one "unalienable Right" given us by our Creator. I've had many arguments with pro-choice (murder) advocates where they inevitable say "they aren't babies, only clumps of cells," to which I reply: "They aren't f**king racoons." Our society has been so dumbed down and psychologically manipulated that they don't understand that a fetus is a human being- or a proto-human being. I believe that much of the nihilism that pervades younger generations is that they somehow know that they're alive only by the luck of the draw... they could just have easily been parted out by Planned Parenthood for profit. This is a sickness- a manifestation of psychopathy that pervades our national soul. And it comes from one source... the left/Deep State- a totalitarian monster that's trying desperately to consume America. Abortion is but one manifestation of this evil- albeit perhaps the most important. When a nation loses sight of the value of human life it is doomed.  

 There is a method to the madness of the left:  How can we push back against such imperious "bleeding heart" compassion?  The ideology has a stranglehold on academia and is being rolled out in schoolrooms from kindergarten onward.  We've already lost the Millennials.  Yet from the time of Marx's historiography, which examined humans exclusively as members of a class, to the postmodern deconstruction of all meaning, the Left has described society along one parameter, and one parameter only: that of political power!  The left/Deep State view all of human interactions in political terms- the rest of us don't and that gives tham an enormous advantage. The "long march" of Cultural Marxism has invaded every institution of government and society, including the media, the source of information for much of the country. 

 Nothing else matters. For the Left, the good society comprises powerful identity groups (who were formerly victimized identity groups), together with the judicial, political, and economic subjugation as well as social ostracism of their previous oppressors.  This is the vile mirror image, rhapsodized from a deformed, delusional distortion of today's society — a caricature of actuality.  To maintain this ranting fiction, the Left "discovers" oppression in every possible human (and non-human) interaction.  One cannot have a power-neutral relationship, except with like-minded people.  Regardless of moral character, one is either a victim or a persecutor by dint of skin color, religious affiliation, class membership, economic status, genealogy, history, and now (biologically irrelevant) sex.  The Left is entirely uninterested in moral character.  Personal moral responsibility has been outsourced to "woke" identity memes, worn like tattoos and skin piercings.  Ideology is identity, and identity is power.  

 And when it comes to abortion, they've worked it almost flawlessly. They've managed to weave race, morality (or lack thereof). religion and the other identity groups into their agenda. Like the quote says, "the left is entirely uninterested in moral character." I remember another cultural icon telling America that he dreamed of a day when people were judged by the content of their character rather than skin color- or other cultural indicators one could add. Once again good is evil and evil good. 

  It is time for us to take back not only our national sovereignty, but sovereignty over human nature.  We must deny the Left its attempt to circumscribe, shut down, shut out, and reduce us to stereotypes.  By reviving humanist respect for the dignity of every soul and the possibility of moving beyond the horizon to fresh endeavors of the mind, we will win against those on the Left who wish to confine us in an ideological coffin.  If more people embraced a holistic humanism, more students would become interested in studying the humanist classic, Renaissance, and Christian texts, and the pressure will be on the universities to change direction.  

 Perhaps so... but the dignity of every soul will never be realized until the scourge of abortion is removed from our nation. Only when the psychopathy of Planned Parenthood, eugenics, and radical activism are removed from America and the sanctity of human life restored can our country heal. 60 million babies murdered and counting since Roe v Wade became law- and that's a conservative estimate (try getting an accurate number from Google). Abortion is America's shame and radical feminists want women to Shout Your Abortion... if this isn't psychopathic behavior, nothing is.  


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