Is The Whole World Run By Pedophiles- Part IV... Johnny Gosch & The Franklin Coverup

in #palnet5 years ago

Sometimes in lieu of hard evidence you have to go with probabilities... it's more likely that X happened due to certain circumstances that Y. In the case of the Franklin coverup the efforts extended by law enforcement at all levels along with the mainstream media to discredit victims and eye witnesses is perhaps more telling than the evidence itself and coupled with the probability factor paints the most accurate picture.

The case of the disappearance of paper-boy Johnny Gosch in September of 1982 made national headlines, yet the efforts put forth by the West Des Moines PD and FBI seem minimal in retrospect.  Johnny was kidnapped while he began his morning paper route for the Des Moines Register in West Des Moines, Iowa on September 5, 1982. Witnesses to the kidnapping state that a man stopped and asked Johnny for directions. Johnny told another paper boy that the man frightened him. He was followed until he was out of sight of the others, then snatched by 2 men who held him down in the back seat of an old Fairmont. Witnesses saw the car screeching tires as it made a hasty getaway. 

It was in fact Johnny's mother Noreen that made the most profound effort to find her son after the police decided to treat the case as a runaway, even in light of the old Fairmont screeching tires when it sped off... a clear case of either incompetence or complicity.  As the days and weeks went by, Noreen realized she wasn't going to get the help she needed from the local authorities or the FBI. She contacted local and national media to cover the story, which was shown nation-wide on many television stations across the country. She contacted a private investigator who followed up on leads that were never pursued by law enforcement. What she learned horrified her: Johnny was kidnapped for the sole purpose of use in a global pedophile and pornography ring. He was not killed. He was being kept alive and subjected to trauma and torture of a satanic/sexual nature to beat down his self-consciousness to make him vulnerable to brainwashing. Why? So he would become a "slave" to the very cult that abducted him. 

This is where the realm of probabilities enters the case... who has the capacity and abilities to brainwash people. The answer is intelligence agencies- if not directly involved it was through the research of psychologists and psychiatrists such as B.F. Skinner, Erich Fromm, Michael Maccoby (the latter two specialized in trauma-based mind control) and others- namely those involved in the MKUltra and Monarch programs. This goes back to Freud and his work on sexuality being the base of the human experience, his nephew Edward Bernays who used propaganda to influence larger groups at a time and of course the Nazi psychiatrists behind influencing public opinion before the outbreak of WWII. Tavistock Institute is also important to mention because it is through their network of think tanks, academic institutions, corporations, etc., that populations are socially engineered to accept things that in the not too distant past would be anathema. The media, entertainment in particular, through their relationship with the therapeutic community, is responsible for "normalizing" pedophilia and the Satanic to blunt the effects of occurrences such as the Gosch kidnapping in the minds of the public... hence when the police say: "it was just a case of the boy running away- happens all the time," it was accepted as that by the media and that's how it was played off. Had it not been for the efforts of Johnny's mother Noreen the case would have just gone away.

However, other victims began to come forward in what became known as the Franklin Scandal and Franklin Coverup... occurring in nearby Nebraska around the Boystown Catholic Orphanage.  Noreen learned that the child sex trafficking organization that took Johnny had direct connections to extreme "higher ups", including the CIA, the military, and politicians in Washington DC. This information was later confirmed by other victims of the same ring. Over the years, with the help of media, friends, and private investigators, Noreen was able to personally meet with these victims who had actually been with Johnny and knew him personally. They were able to give her updated information on his condition, but didn't know where he was. Noreen learned that Johnny and another boy had eventually escaped their captors and were living in hiding, fearing for their lives. 

This is also when the cover-up began in earnest. Prior to the others coming forward law enforcement and their allies in the MSM had begun to paint Noreen as a distraught mother bordering on being a crackpot... just for seeking information about her missing child in a case that law enforcement had so obviously mishandled from the start- unless they were complicit in the child trafficking ring themselves. The FBI has long been known for it's systemic corruption. In 1997 Johnny turned up at the Gosch home late one evening.

 The pieces of the puzzle began to come into place as Noreen finally confirmed what she'd known all along. He was very nervous during their reunion and declared he was still in great danger and needed his mother to help bring his abductors to justice so he wouldn't have to live in fear the rest of his life. Johnny stayed with Noreen for only a few hours, then left before daylight, disappearing into the night to leave his mother with nothing but the secret memory of his visitation. 

Noreen Gosch has been an activist on behalf of trafficked children since her son's disappearance in 1982.  Noreen Gosch has persistently continued to bring national attention to the plight of her son and the countless other innocent victims who have been tortured by networks of pedophiles connected to the same ring who abused Johnny. Noreen published a book in 2000 titled "Why Johnny Can't Come Home" to give a detailed account of everything she learned connected to the case. The book is packed with information she's accumulated over the years, including shocking truths about the lies and cover-ups of the very authority figures we depend on to protect us.

 Noreen founded The Johnny Gosch Foundation in 1982, shortly after his disappearance. The purpose of the organization, according to the website, is..." to educate others as to the reality and seriousness of kidnapping, pornography and how it could happen to your family! The dangers of Pedophiles and how cunningly they operate in our country."  One of the things that was overlooked when Pizzagate sprung up in late 2016 was the fate of Johnny Gosch... pedophiles are not just random perverts hanging out in bus station restrooms, but a large well organized machine operating worldwide often in the corridors of power... a machine that can't possibly operate without the complicity of law enforcement at the highest levels. Pedophilia is one of the most effective brownstone operations in existence.

These two videos from a television program- Vanished with Beth Holloway (Mother of murdered Natalie Holloway) give a timeline and interview with Noreen and her estranged husband. It's difficult to tell is they're trying to be objective or part of the cover-up, constantly questioning Noreen's veracity. 

The Franklin Coverup

The primary victim in the Franklin Coverup, a sex trafficking ring operating out of Nebraska, was Paul Bonacci who admitted to being involved in the Gosch kidnapping. This brings two different elements into the cases- one being how well organized it was. Bonacci admitted that the adults has photos of Johnny and that he was being targeted specifically. The other was Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA). Although Satanism was a suspected motive in the Finders case it was never proven. Bonacci was not only a participant in the case but one of the victims of the ring.

I've found that one of the best sources of information in many of these cases is a website called Wikispooks... the Franklin case showcases the investigation done by former Nebraska State Senator John DeCamp. In all of the investigation I've done on the case myself I had no idea that former CIA Director William Colby was involved. Colby is someone I have a great deal of respect for despite his time with the CIA, he was a man deserving of respect- someone who did a lot of bad things for the right reason. He was an honorable man in an extremely dishonorable profession. This is DeCamp's notes going in to the investigation:

 I have brought out this new, second edition of The Franklin Cover-Up because the story and its implications continue to have exploding effects upon the American political and social landscape. In the four years since the first copies of The Franklin Cover-Up hit the streets, not only have I and others learned far more about the Larry King political sub-culture of drugs and child abuse, but the circulation of The Franklin Cover-Up throughout the United States has brought many new cases to my doorstep - and some of those extraordinary stories I tell here, in the new, second part of this book. Lastly, earlier in 1996, my dear friend Bill Colby, without whom The Franklin Cover-Up never would have seen the light of day, died, under very mysterious circumstances. This second edition includes my Memoriam to Bill, to whom I now re-dedicate The Franklin Cover-Up, in renewal of my commitment to fulfill the promises made to him, in the last days before his death. 

One further note on Colby, he had been spending a lot of time at a small church in the weeks prior to his death. Colby, a devout Catholic was about to come clean about much of what he knew. A short time later he got up halfway through eating dinner and went canoeing in a swamp near his home... he never made it back.

 "What do Ronald Reagan, President George Bush, former CIA Director William E Colby, Democratic presidential candidate Bob Kerrey, billionaire and second richest man in America and now head of Salomon Brothers - Warren Buffett, and Ronald Roskens, the current administrator of the Agency for International Development, all have in common?" I asked my close friend and adviser William Colby one day in 1991. 

 "I give up," former head of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Colby said. "What could that group have in common?""Three things," I replied, "all of them a burden at times for those who have to carry them. The three things are me (John DeCamp), a case called Franklin and a man named Larry King." 

Apparently Warren Buffett a native of Omaha, NE was involved in the Franklin Coverup as well, although his name never came up.  My statement to Bill Colby was not made lightly. Colby and his wife, Sally Shelton Colby, a United States ambassador under President Jimmy Carter, were at that very moment warning me to get away from the Franklin child abuse investigation, Larry King, and anybody else linked with Franklin, as quickly as possible for the sake of my own life and safety. When the former head of the CIA is warning you away from an investigation that involves prominent men from politics and the world of business there's something to the allegations you're investigating. People at the highest levels of government and the MSM went to great lengths to discredit Paul Bonacci and other witnesses.

 "What you have to understand, John, is that sometimes there are forces and events too big, too powerful, with so much at state for other people or institutions, that you cannot do anything about them, not matter how evil or wrong they are and no matter how dedicated or sincere you are or how much evidence you have. That is simply one of the hard facts of life you have to face. You have done your part. You have tried to expose the evil and wrongdoing. It has hurt you terribly. But it has not killed you up to this point. I am telling you, get out of this before it does. Sometimes things are just too big for us to deal with, and we have to step aside and let history take its course. For you, John, this is one of those times," 

Alicia owens, one of the victims of Larry King and the scandal was sentenced to prison for nine to twenty-seven years for perjury.

 On June 21, 1991, 21-year-old Alisha Jahn Owen was pronounced guilty by a jury in Douglas County, Nebraska, on eight counts of felony perjury. On August 8, 1991, she was sentenced to serve nine to twenty-seven years in prison. Owen was indicted for telling a grand jury, before which she testified in 1990, that she was sexually abused as a juvenile, by a Nebraska district court judge, by the chief of police of the city of Omaha, by the manager of the Franklin Community Federal Credit Union, and others. Alisha Owen also witnessed, she said, the abuse of other children by figures in Nebraska’s political and financial establishment whom she named, among them the publisher of the state’s largest newspaper, the Omaha World-Herald. She testified that she was in a group of Nebraska children who functioned for years as illegal drug couriers, travelling nation-wide, for some of Nebraska’s wealthiest, most powerful and prominent businessmen. 

When allegations were made by other victims of SRA around the country the MSM, the propaganda arm of the government went into overdrive:  In recent months, news media around the country have been full of propaganda to the effect that children who report abuse are just telling what they fantasized, or stories fed to them by adults. As for satanic or ritualistic abuse, many newspapers declare that it does not even exist, as the New York Village Voice did in a June 1990 article, which attacked "the great ritualistic abuse hoax". As far back as 1990 the media has been covering for these Satanic pedophiles, is it any wonder that Pizzagate was so quickly branded as "fake news?" In a different case around the same time:

 A banner-headline story in the Chicago Tribune on May 17, 1991, "A chilling tale of child abuse no one can prove," gave typical coverage of the debate over whether or not children are being abused by Satanists:  All nine children tell the same story, a grisly tale of being taken out of school and abused in a blue house. They name the same culprit, a school administrator who performs satanic rituals as part of his twisted routine. In the 14 months since the first child came forward, police said they have conducted 140 interviews and cannot substantiate the claims of the children, who range in age from 5 to 9. Prosecutor Stanley Levco is more blunt: He doesn’t believe them, and he plans to publicly clear the accused. 

These pedophile rings are people at the apex of society, politicians, law enforcement, the legal profession, teachers and administrators... all looking out for one another. The Franklin Scandal is but one elite pedophile ring out of many operating around the country. Pedophiles and child traffickers find jobs in the higher echelons of education, law enforcement, the judiciary, business and politics all so that they can provide cover for each other. Similarly, the FBI also denies the existence of SRA inspite of mountains of evidence and testimony of eyewitnesses.

 The Tribune cited Kenneth Lanning, the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s expert on occult crime, on the virtual non-existence of ritualistic abuse. Lanning, who has publicized his opinion that "more people have been killed in the name of Jesus and Mohammed than in the name of Satan", said on this occasion, that there had "been only one criminal conviction stemming from charges of satanic ritual abuse in the US." 

The reason for only one conviction is pretty clear... evidence is overlooked and the cover-up continues.  "authorities say, America is witnessing an epidemic of concern over Satan and his minions, especially among adherents of fundamentalist Christianity. So-called ritual abuse is only part of it. But are these stories of incest and human sacrifice true? Many mental health experts think not. And at least two law enforcement officers, with the FBI and the San Francisco police, say they have looked into some of the claims and found nothing."  It appears, particularly in light of the growth of Satanism as a "mainstream religion" that the authorities are more interested in ridiculing Christianity than in protecting children- these crimes are skyrocketing and child sex trafficking has become one of the most lucrative crimes surpassing drug trafficking. Says one expert on the subject: "Drugs you can only sell once, children you can sell over and over again."

Former FBI supervisory agent Ted Gunderson investigated the McMartin Preschool case in California in which the defendants were all exonerated said:  "In the McMartin case, for example, before any criminal charges were filed against anyone, 460 complaints were filed with the Manhattan Beach police. Are we to believe that 460 families fed their children the same story of ritualistic sexual abuse, animal sacrifices, etc?" He stressed that the crimes were reported in an affluent suburban area, where residents are typically sceptical about organized child abuse or satanic conspiracies.  Gunderson commented on the effect of Lanning’s disclaimers:

"In my opinion, other than [Satanists active in the United States in the twentieth century] AAleister Crowley, Anton LaVey and Michael Aquino, Ken Lanning is probably the most effective and foremost speaker for the satanic movement in this country, today or any time in the past."

The Franklin Scandal, one in which Ted Gunderson became actively involved, opened a " window into the hideous world of child abuse, and of organized, illegal drug peddling, patronized and protected by powerful figures in politics and business." It centers around banker Lawrence "Larry" King and his Franklin Community Federal Credit Union which was raided by federal agencies and shut down for corruption. King was a rising star in the Republican Party who had sung the National Anthem at the Republican Convention in both 1984 and 1988.  The financial scandal turned into something more, when it became known that children from Omaha and its surroundings said they had been flown from city to city, to be abused at parties held by Franklin’s officers and well-known Nebraskans, including nationally prominent Republican Party activists. "A Lurid, Mysterious Scandal Begins Taking Shape in Omaha," headlined the New York Times

Then the cover-up began: Law enforcement at the local, state and federal levels said there was no evidence of drug-peddling, organized child abuse, or satanic activity by King. The allegations of child abuse were "a carefully crafted hoax", according to one of the two grand juries that examined the affair. A chief witness, Owen, stands convicted of perjury.   The day of Alisha Owen’s conviction, 3,000 Nebraskans responded to a local radio station’s poll; 94% of them said they believed that she had been railroaded and that there was a cover-up. 

John DeCamp writes: I write about the unfolding of the Franklin case, its exposure and its cover-up,, as not only an eyewitness, but a participant in these events. I knew how high Larry King’s reach went; I was sitting in the front row, just fifteen feet from the main podium, at the 1984 and 1988 Republican national conventions, duly elected by the people of the State of Nebraska as a delegate, pledged, in the first instance, to Ronald Reagan and, in 1988, to George Bush

 The files of the Legislature’s main investigator, the late Gary Caradori, testify to the mass of leads law enforcement would not pursue. Documentary evidence presented in this book, never before made public, makes it possible to contrast the assurances of local and state officials that there was little or no Franklin-related abuse, with what those agencies had in their own files. 

The suspicious death of Gary Caradori also points to a coverup. Caradori was on his way back to Omaha after a fact finding mission to Chicago when his small plane exploded in midair killing him and his young son... no evidence was recovered and no plausible explanation for the "accident" was ever given.

  Evidence developed from Franklin and King’s activities leads into drug-trafficking, money-laundering, pornography, child prostitution, and the kidnapping and sale of children in different parts of the United States, and abroad.  The shocking treatment of Alisha Owen and Paul Bonacci by the courts in Nebraska is one give-away, of what a high stake has been wagered on suppressing the Franklin scandal. Members of the state Senate and investigators who sought to discover the truth of the matter, found that out earlier on, in a personal, violent manner. 

And then there was the involvement of Boystown, the well known Catholic orphanage in Nebraska. In May of 1992 John DeCamp was contacted by Msgr. Robert Hupp the former director of the institution. "  I anticipated that his purpose was to attack me, and to deny what I had written about Boys Town," said DeCamp. 

 Monsignor Hupp opened our discussion with the simple statement: "John DeCamp, your book stated the game; I hope I can help with some of the names."  Monsignor Hupp and I then entered into an in-depth discussion on the entire situation involving Boys Town, Larry King, Peter Citron, the pedophile problem in general, and the entire story of the Franklin cover-up. He verified piece after piece of evidence of the Franklin story for me, and provided guidance on other directions in which to look, to develop further proof of the children’s stories of abuse by this country’s wealthy and powerful.  

 When I asked Monsignor Hupp how this ever could have happened at Boys Town, he looked at me and told me, so apologetically, "I am like the wife who did not know, and was the last to find out. And when I finally did suspect something and tried to act, the Archbishop [Daniel Sheehan] elected to do nothing about it, when I asked him to help. And then, when I came upon something horribly evil, I found public officials and the Church would do nothing - apparently terrified at the damage it would do to the Church and to the entire city of Omaha," Monsignor Hupp said. 

The Monsignor went on to recount the story of a boy named Shattuck who had been sexually abused and then killed... allegedly by a member of the clergy. Monsignor Hupp provided precise detail which he said proved beyond any doubt, that the particular individual he named was, in fact, the child’s murderer. {{ |"The Church is plagued by these sexual abuse problems across the country and by the devastating publicity the clergy abuse incidents have caused," Monsignor Hupp explained. "The Church’s reaction to these sexual abuse problems is, in most cases, to immediately get the clergy member involved out of the state and, if possible, out of the country, and hopefully into treatment. I know that may not be right, but it is a difficult situation to deal with, and simply moving the priest or the brother out of the state or country has been the traditional approach by the Church in America to addressing the problems. In this case, where an innocent child was murdered and where I know that a member of our clergy has done this, I felt I had a moral obligation overriding all other things, to bring the situation to the attention of the appropriate authorities. And I did," }} Hupp concluded. 

Monsignor Hupp, after getting no help from the Church went to the appropriate authorities with his evidence and they did nothing. Predictably, Msgr. Hupp began to get pushback from Church authorities who go to great lengths to protect their pedophiles and was eventually removed from his post.  Monsignor Hupp is not some 13 year old kid whom the cops say they cannot trust or believe. On the contrary, he is one of America’s most famous and nationally honored clergymen; the author of two best sellers; a former Presidential Appointee as Special Ambassador to the United Nations; and the former head of America’s most famous child care institution (Boys Town). Monsignor Hupp showed his courage yet again, when he repeated his charges a year later to a British TV team making a documentary on the Franklin cover-up, entitled Conspiracy of Silence

 Conspiracy of Silence proved, beyond doubt, that the essential points I had stressed in the book (and more) were all true. For instance, the team had interviewed Troy Boner. Sometime after that grand jury was over, Troy, guilt-stricken because of his lying over Gary Caradori’s death, contacted me and told the truth about what had happened. This is recorded in a remarkable affidavit (see Chapter 20). The Yorkshire TV team spent a small fortune to confirm Troy’s charges. They flew Troy to Chicago and paid for a lengthy polygraph (lie detector) test at the Keeler Polygraph Institute. With the results of that test, the Yorkshire team was so convinced that Troy was telling the truth, that they featured him in their documentary. 

A Conspiracy of Silence: 

The death count surrounding the Franklin Coverup rivals the Clinton Body Count. Nearly everybody involved in the case is either dead, in hiding or had their characters' assassinated (like John DeCamp). This link gives a precise account of those killed in the cover-up.  There is also included an excellent documentary The Franklin Coverup Was Just the Beginning, by Ted Gunderson. It traces the case from the Gosch kidnapping through the involvement of Paul Bonacci, an interview with Alicia Owen and includes the framing of Green Beret doctor Jeffrey MacDonald that shows how these cover-ups are done and the McMartin Preschool case. 

The problem of elite pedophile rings is not new nor is it unique to one part of the world, but systemic and endemic. The one thing all of these cases share in common is the elite nature of the perpetrators... all are authority figures of one sort or another who use their positions of power to abuse the most innocent among us- children. This will become more and more evident as this series goes along. These elite perverts are a plague, a scourge on decency and innocence. When the public outcry becomes loud enough perhaps someone will do something to stop it. 



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Being from Cedar Rapids, IA at the time, I remember the Johnny Gosch case. Yeah, he did show up one evening. I thought he was a victim of mind control and ended up working for the CIA at some point. I could be wrong. Sad. Yeah, it was big news here in corn state Iowa. Thanks @richq11 will resteem.

I think you're right... I thought about you while I was writing this. Blessings my friend!

hello richq11 ! you were recommended by @mepatriot so I have added you to my reading list. Will see if it is as good as previewed.

What is your opinion on Chabad? the eastern european jews, who through first pooling insane amount of money in a man, get access to the land, then use "good will" to make addictive substances illegal or have a monopoly, to then raise the price, indebt the people, to then rape their daughters while owning the land, to then repool in one and expand to other area? isn't it ez to defeat? but they don't... too weak.


pedo is just one of the string of the chabad for their take over of the world to prepare of their coming messhia (at least that's the narrative to hide their lust, greed, and moral decay), but none the less the most important one. as this web of trust that those child rape create, permit them to guarantee compliance at all level, as all parents worldwide are on the war footing once known.

have you seen the fake doc of cnn of the pedo child rapists priest in the middle of africa? you know why I say fake? never seen a machete? and in the dark of no light... hehehe...

or those are brainwashed apes... because all apes fight against the rape of their children !

the informationwar is so violent ! however propaganda can't cheat death ! that's solace !

such thank you my dear richq11 ! would you mind if I quote fully or repost your post here? I would like 1 to share them (even if I yet didn't have the time to read them) and secondly, I would like to comment them fully... so I need to be able to may quote them fully...

otherwise I will use the classical method of snipet - comment to the end... if they are worth, but their titles seems excellent ! I thank you again for your answer and will read them...

if you knew the size of my reading list... those are super high !

thanks again ! all the best and more SP for you !

Thank you. You may quote any of my works you wish as long as you don't take credit... There's a lot of plagiarism on Steemit.

yeah thanks a lot ! I still didn't have the time to read it, I am in a no news program, and maybe this is more a job and duty of chinese counter intelligence, and in this context, I don't think I have really to worry about it...

as if those things could even be felt by the long march forward...

they will face the tao with us trying our best to map it... or merge with it...

no even leaves before the wind...

they are nothing to us...

and I am a little bit afraid of what I will read... not in the sense that it may be wrong... but too accurate and so painful...

I am not ready yet. you will be informed as soon as it's ready...

and please do copy here... so I can quote if something goes wrong with weku... and other places ! I am sure it's good work.

of course you will quoted and linked properly ! it's my commentary that interest and affrays me...

best day and wishes to you !

keep strong !

and CCP will crush them, the only question is just when.

they have no ways...

After I finish this series I will begin to bring some of my important WeKu posts here. Weku is about to fold I believe

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