Is The Whole World Run By Pedophiles- Part II... The Finders

in #palnet5 years ago 

After reviewing the date released by the FBI the story of the Finders screams coverup. In looking for the truth in this pile of misinformation I was reminded of a saying by Voltaire: If you want to know who rules you just look at who you're not allowed to criticize. However, in this case a more fitting interpretation would be look at who took the most flak while looking for the truth- that would be US Customs Service (USCS) investigator Ramon Martinez whose career and life were ruined because he wouldn't subscribe to the official narrative, put forth by the CIA and FBI Foreign Counter-Intelligence Dept.

The trick to investigating this nebulous group is not getting mired in disinformation... so let's look at what we have. In Feb. 1987 two men, Douglas Ammerman and Paul Houlihan were apprehended in a park in Tallahassee, FL with six children who were described as "filthy, bug bitten, disheveled, while the two accompanying adults were described as well dressed." The children, Mary Houlihan 7, Max Livingston 6, Benjamin Franklin 4, Honeybee Evans 3, B.B. 2, and John Paul Houlihan 2 were removed into the custody of Child Protective Services. Two of the children showed signs of sexual abuse... Mary's hymen had been penetrated and Max lacked sphincter control, a sign of anal penetration.

The group were said to be part of an alternative living group known as the Finders from the Washington DC area. DC Metro Police (DCMP) were called into the case as was the FBI along with US Customs Service. The DOJ instructed the FBI to conduct an investigation into the group and to discern if any other intelligence agencies were involved.

P. 6 FBI Report

Interestingly, at this point the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children was brought into the investigation even though:

P. 44 FBI Report

The raid conducted by the FBI and DCMP on a warehouse owned by the Finders disclosed pictures of nude adults and children and video equipment capable of making professional grade pornography. There were also computers, modems and other electronics found that allowed the international transferral of data.

From p.10 of the USCS report:

 There are some excellent YouTube videos by The Unknown Observer and Jamie Dlux. The Unknown Observer videos have links to some other very good videos. I'll post them all here and get them out of the way- they provide some excellent background material.

Jamie Dlux:

Jamie Dlux even managed to track down the current whereabouts of some of the members... but I want to stick to analyzing the coverup. Once the CIA became involved, everyone began to backtrack their investigations. Tallahassee PD signed off on the official CIA narrative- no pushback. DCMP did the same- no pushback. The only one to stick to their original story was the USCS investigator Ramon Martinez and his career was ruined... that's very telling in itself. So who were (are?) the Finders? The leader was a man named Marion Pettie, a former Air Force Staff Sgt. with connections to Air Force Intelligence. His wife Isabelle was a former employee of the CIA. Mr. Pettie also went by the name "The Game Caller." Before getting into the Pettie's and other members I want to back up to the USCS and FBI Reports. Please forgive me for breaking this up because I can't copy and paste.

Chronology of the USCS Report:

pp. 52-53 FBI Report

It would be interesting to see the redacted parts... equally interesting is why is an investigation into child abuse classified "Secret." From the FBI Chronology:

PP 54-59 FBI Report

Then the CIA became involved and everyone started walking back their stories. I'm not saying that any of this is conclusive proof of SRA and/or child trafficking, but it certainly doesn't make anyone look more innocent. Just as soon as the CIA became involved everyone began walking back their stories. Marion Pettie denied knowing that he was the leader of the group, yet  Robert Gardner Terrell, the spokesman for the group described Pettie as:  ″Mr. Pettie tells everyone what to do. He is in charge,″ the statements said. ″We kids slept outside and the mommies slept inside. Men come to visit the moms and slept inside. The moms dress up and go out and do money jobs. Mr. Pettie weans the kids from moms.″ Whatever the truth is, the environment wasn't a healthy place for children, especially in light of the fact that CPS removes children from far better homes on a regular basis for infractions as insignificant as a few dirty dishes in the sink. These people were being protected at very high levels of government, the question is why? It's axiomatic that the government doesn't protect anyone unless they have something to gain from it.

A part of the coverup was the inclusion in the FBI report of a lengthy article from the City Paper a self-proclaimed "alternative news source" that typically supports left wing candidates such as Barack Obama and Eleanor Holmes Norton along with leftist causes. Odd that out of all of the major news sources covering the story at the time (who all ran for the hills once the CIA became involved) the FBI would choose a free paper similar to the Berkeley Barb or Village Voice. One example is the testimony of the doctor who originally examined the children for sexual abuse, Dr. Nathan Greenberg, the same doctor who testified at first that Mary's hymen had been penetrated and that Max lacked sphincter control. 

P 109 FBI Report

From here he backtracks to his findings being "consistent with sexual abuse, not proof." Then in an article with the Associated Press he changes his story again:  ″There’s apparently no evidence of recent physical harm to the children of an abusive sexual type." This is a remarkable set of findings based on only one examination... I wonder what changed his mind. As a survivor of childhood sexual abuse I can tell you what causes lack of sphincter control. Out of the 12 some page puff piece covering (or covering up) the escapades of the Finders the most telling part comes in the conclusion on the last page:

The fix was in... nowhere in the entire article was any mention of the CIA, or anything relating to intelligence agencies. In retrospect this looks like an MKUltra operation, an attempt to programme children so they can be useful later.

If the group in fact did not disband, then what happened- did they change names and leadership and carry on? Perhaps the last paragraph is the most telling:

P. 118 FBI Report

"Nobody knew what we really did." After the exoneration of the Finders in 1987 another incident report popped up in 1993 in Florida where Tallahassee Police Chief Melvin Tucker said that no intelligence agencies had any influence on the Finders investigation and that all evidence had either been returned to the owners or destroyed- this in response to an inquiry made by Rep. Charlie Rose. Apparently another investigation had been opened in response to other allegations in Jensen Beach FL of SRA

P122 FBI Report

The new investigation launched after the death of cult member Barbara Mateja seemed to focus on:

Along with our friend Isabelle Pettie, wife of "Game Caller" Marion Pettie and CIA employee.

P. 203 FBI Report

The Finders also come back into focus in reference to an incident at Jensen Beach in the same time period- 1992-93. 

PP 212-213 FBI Report.

Seeing what's in those redacted passages would be most helpful. What's curious is that Special Agents of the FBI were not to be trusted with the information- also allegations that the USCS weren't doing their jobs of investigating this matter... small wonder after the treatment Investigator Ramon Martinez got during the original investigation.

I could carry this out almost indefinitely, but I think the point has been made. Once the cover-up was concluded, the Finders became Finders Transnational, Ragged Mountain, the Women's Network Service, General Scientific Corp., etc. all tied to Isabelle Pettie, The Finders and thus the CIA. It's also ironic that a group that "disbanded" in 1987 keeps popping up even to this day. It was clearly not a bunch of old hippies seeking an alternative lifestyle, although their lifestyle can definitely be described as unique. As will become evident in further chapters, children have been permanently taken from loving homes for far less. They had a "guardian angel" watching over them- likely the CIA and corrupt elements of the FBI. The question is why? It's embarrassingly obvious that the two children in the original investigation were sexually abused- whether Mary was penetrated digitally or with a penis is a distinction without a difference. I still have about 100 pages left to read in the FBI report- should anything earth shattering pop up I'll report it. I think between this and the videos I linked we have a pretty good sense what the Finders were (and are?). I think that the evidence shows that they're still in operation in some form or another- under a different name of course... and still affiliated with the CIA and National Law Enforcement (FBI).

For anyone that hasn't caught on yet- the names in BOLD will be the people, organizations, agencies, institutions, etc. linked to pedophilia, child sex trafficking, SRA, etc.. 



Overall an excellent report on the FBI release and the available information. I except only your statements regarding Dr. Nathan Greenberg, whose statements regarding his conclusions did not change at all. In his initial report he states that there was no conclusive evidence of recent physical abuse of either victim, but evidence indicating abuse was likely.

His subsequent statements did not change this, but reiterated it.


Very interesting.

Have you seen "The Report" on Amazon Prime? It purports that the CIA is indeed the agency that runs everything else (though I'm sure MI6 runs the CIA, with Tavistock running MI6). Worth a look, even though it's a limited hangout seemingly designed to point out the evils of the Republicrats (GW Bush and Cheney and 911, for example) and exonerates Feinsteins ilk and the Democlan wing of the billionaire pedo club. Always good to see what TPTB are feeding the masses...

Also, Google Nancy Ruth Owens. South Florida is supposedly the nexus of much of the child-sex-ring stuff for sure, and she claims to have been a flunky for El Chapo, and that his real base was in Clewiston, not South America.

Of course, Parkland's false flag event also had Sheriff Israel covering up that event's connections to Chabad and other traffickers.

I did a 9 part series on Tavistock- they're behind everything. MI-5 MI-6 are both creations of the Rothschilds who control them through Tavistock/Chatham House (Royal Institute) and now Integrity Initiative. That gives them control of information on a global level. The American branch is the CFR (your pals the Rockefellers) MI-6 has been behind the CIA since their OSS days, in fact the UK is the seat of the Deep State and control intelligence agencies around the world including Mossad... Israel being a Rothschild proxy state.

When I was in college the CFR tried to recruit me through a prof who was kind of a mentor. I was guaranteed any PhD program in the country I wanted, all I had to do was give up my family. I turned them down flat and my life went into an immediate downward spiral. The entire faculty turned on me (except for a couple of conservative leftovers).

I'm not sure what Amazon Prime is

Ah...great. Confirms everything I've learned, but from other directions. You must've read Dr. John Coleman, as well then?

Wow! Been there, seen that. My free-ride for a Master's was CANCELLED after I'd already completed 30 credits of the 36 needed with a 3.68 GPA, because I would not kowtow to the program director's desire for me drop the Rockefeller connections to Canada--especially their tool WLM King--in my work on a degree in Canadian History. I didn't have the money to pay the basically wasted a year+ of my life.

I'm well familiar with Dr Coleman and his work.

I made it through $65K in debt. I got an MA instead of a PhD. I figured if they wanted to play it that way, I didn't mind borrowing money I never intended to pay back... that's what they get.

LOL...I absolutely love it! Well done.

Thank you my friend... This is going to be a really deep dive!

Have you ever considered writing for The New American or The Barnes Review...or...?

I'd love to... I don't think they've considered it though lol!

It has been difficult for Me to read about the Finders... Not because I was in such a group Myself, but that I was taken, by the man who married My mother's sister, to satanic rituals when I was very young. I was sexually abused by Him, and ritually abused at a number of the rituals. But what My mind keeps going back to is having a friend, who I had met at these rituals, murdered on the altar.

So reading this stuff takes Me back to that murder.

Still, You are doing a brilliant job of breaking down what We know (or can know). Thank You for that.

After my mother died when I was 5 I was taken to a pedo-sadist who had me for the next 5 years until my uncle rescued me. If you have an email address I'll send you the book I wrote about it

I don't like putting My email out in public...  But I do have a forum and All who join can PM Me.  (Wish steemit had a PM option - if there is on, I have never seen it.  LOL!)

Protect the Children !
Protect Life

Thank you! I was a victim of child sexual abuse- that's why I do this

Wow, than you deserve extra #Respect !
I follow you right now and will support your work...
I still wanna read that 5G post of yours...
I am warning people, too, wrote a song against geoengineering,
and we know all those topics are pushed or hidden by
the low frequency "elite"/cowards ;)

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