Are We Headed For a New Civil War?

in #palnet5 years ago  

 This has been brewing since the 1960's when the Weather Underground began their violent assault on the US Government- now the same reactionaries run it. As policies have shifted so far to the left that what the Founders envisioned is barely recognizable, the sides for the war have been chosen- Patriots on the one side, those who would "fundamentally transform America" on the other. 

  In 1776, the impetus for war had been brewing for many years.  Indeed, as the Declaration of Independence made clear, "mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."   Likewise, in 1861, the seeds of war had been long in taking hold, until they finally bore their deadly fruit.   

 We live in an age where technology and the instantaneous dissemination of information has accelerated social behavior. In 1776 information took weeks or months to get from place to place by post. By 1861 the telegraph had been invented but was available to only a small number of people. Now we have who can organize a mob in a matter of hours... a collision of worldviews can happen almost as fast as the information can be disseminated. 

  In 2019, we have for many years been witnessing the growing divide between two opposing political philosophies, loosely termed "right" and "left" or conservative and liberal, but the names do not capture the real cores of the two sides.  Essentially, the right believes in individuality, the Left in collectivism. Another way of saying producers vs parasites or the outer-directed vs the inner-directed. Those are the sides broken down into their most fundamental characteristics. With the impeachment of the president it seems that a clash of these sides is unavoidable. President Trump represents a threat to the parasite nation. 

  In normal times (if ever there were any), the two sides could coexist.  Each recognized that society must incorporate both individualistic and collectivist policies to produce infrastructure and distribute wealth and to defend the nation from foreign enemies.  Compromise was necessary. Compromise, however, isn't possible for zealots and less possible with zealots who see their livelihood at stake. When Obama promised to "fundamentally transform America" he created a monster... an army of people who live off the government. Let's face it, it's human nature to want something for nothing- but most of us have grown up enough to realize that there's no such thing as a free lunch. Socialism, and that's what drives Obama's "army," is stealing from one person and giving to another. 

   Today, those considerations seem to take second place.  Atheistic culture and values motivate the extremists on the Left.  They inflame emotions and leave no room for compromise.  Indeed, they have radicalized a generation of people, who have essentially replaced the adult population of the 1940s, otherwise known as the Greatest Generation.  

 It was with the generation following the Greatest Generation- the Baby Boomers- that brought Socialism into the mainstream. There were Socialists before but not enough to make a difference. It was the radicalism of the 1960's and groups such as the Weather Underground (the Weathermen) that brought Socialism to America and especially into academia. Failing to understand (or admit) that what they were advocating was no different than the Nazis, the Weathermen even planned "reeducation camps," concentration camps in reality, for anyone that disagreed with their ideology. 

  The leftist view of America is more than merely jaundiced; it is overtly hostile.  American patriots are openly referred to as Nazis, and the cultural leaders of the Left are brazenly and violently opposed to any peaceful discourse with those with whom they disagree. This is merely an extension of the radicalism of the 1960's and it's permeated one of our political parties (and infected the other). They made bold strides during the Obama years, but in 2016 America had had enough. The Obamaites have spent the last 3 years trying to undo the last election. 

  We found our leader, in the enigmatic, and therefore very unlikely, person of President Donald J. Trump.  He boldly goes where few politicians dare venture.  He is a wrecking ball to the corrupt Washington, D.C. establishment, a no-holds-barred advocate of the "forgotten man and woman," whom the left scorns as Neanderthal gun-rights extremists.  Trump has forced the issue.  The Left, if it is to survive as a political force, must destroy him.  The Left is a cornered, rabid wolf, unhinged, immoral, and violent.  There is literally nothing these people will not do to retain and expand their power over you.  

 Like I've been saying, this isn't going to end well... and time is running out. Impeachment is just the first salvo in the new Civil War. Make no mistake, the "left," or whatever you want to call them, will stop at nothing to take this country over. We are the last domino standing between freedom and world domination- if Trump is impeached, or assassinated, it's over. We patriots are the only thing that can prevent the globalist Deep State from seizing total control. JFK understood what was at stake... 

  "Today, we need a nation of Minutemen, citizens who are not only prepared to take arms, but citizens who regard the preservation of freedom as the basic purpose of their daily life and who are willing to consciously work and sacrifice for that freedom."
—John F. Kennedy  



Folks need to hear this as you speak truth. I will resteem. Blessings my friend @richq11

Thank you my dear friend! I'm afraid where our country is heading.

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