Where Can Happiness Be Found

in #palnet4 years ago

Wherein lies happiness? Can happiness be found?

All of us seek happiness. All of us want to be happy. Nobody wants to be sad, miserable and unhappy. And yet, there are so many unhappy people around. Why is happiness so elusive? Or is it really? Maybe the fault lies in our looking for happiness in the wrong places, in our not understanding what happiness means, and what makes us happy.

One of the simplest ways to stay happy is letting go of the things that make you sad. Do not cling on to things that make you unhappy. If you do that, you are choosing to be unhappy.

Expect nothing, and appreciate what you have. Happiness cannot be far from a grateful heart and peaceful mind.

Where else can you find happiness? Work. Happiness is found when you are engaged in work. When you are doing something that you are passionate about, and engaged in it wholeheartedly, you will have no time to be unhappy.

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I believe that happiness can be found. If I thought otherwise, I should be silent and not make unhappiness the more bitter by discussing it. - Karl Hilty

He is the happiest man who is engaged in a business which tasks the most faculties of his mind. - Henry Ward Beecher

Give a man health and a course to steer; and he’ll never stop to trouble about whether he’s happy or not. - George Bernard Shaw

We are at our very best, and we are happiest, when we are fully engaged in work we enjoy on the journey toward the goal we’ve established for ourselves. It gives meaning to our time off and comfort to our sleep. It makes everything else in life so wonderful, so worthwhile. - Earl Nightingale

Work, either with the hands or the head. The moment you have something to do, the draughts are open and the chimney draws and you are happy. - Unknown

Throw yourself into some work you believe in with all your heart, live for it, die for it, and you will find happiness that you had thought could never be yours. - Dale Carnegie

It is neither wealth nor splendour, but tranquillity and occupation, which give happiness. - Thomas Jefferson

The very first condition of lasting happiness is that a life should be full of purpose, aiming at something outside self. - Hugo LaFayette Black

I can at once become happy anywhere, for he is happy who has found himself a happy lot. In a word, happiness lies all in the functions of reason, in warrantable desires and virtuous practice. - Marcus Aurelius

I have learned to seek my happiness by limiting my desires, rather than in attempting of satisfy them. - John Stuart Mill


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