Generate your own Electric Power, save money and help the environment using solar panels. A solution to the energy crisis in Venezuela

in #palnet5 years ago


The use of solar panels is one of the easiest and most direct ways we have access to renewable energy, that is, solar panels allow us to efficiently use an inexhaustible, non-polluting and increasingly effective source of energy As is the sun. That, unlike fossil fuel energy, it is not polluting, it is not subject to unexpected price increases, nor does it depend on market volatility.

Solar energy is a clean, inexhaustible, does not depend on the market and can be used and installed anywhere and practically without limitations thanks to the technology of solar panels.

For this article I use the data from Mexico, since the real data in Venezuela are practically non-existent, however with the huge energy crisis we are experiencing (In a country with the world's largest confirmed energy reserves) and with constant blackouts of up to 8 and 12 hours that are lived in the different regions of the country, it is clearer than ever, the need to look for reliable alternatives that do not depend on the government.

Well, given that our reality in Venezuela is so complicated and that the data that state companies give is unreal and not at all consistent with reality, I take the data from Mexico since I got a lot of information on the subject there. The other interesting point is that I reviewed some articles in English and others in Spain and the data is very similar, so you can talk about self-sustaining energy and even more of a reliable and inexhaustible service. Something that is urgently needed in Venezuela.

Where the only good thing that has the electric power service is the price, since as we know it is subsidized by the government. Whose real benefit is a bad service, constant blackouts, lack of investment, poorly paid workers and all the reality that is already known by the Venezuelan people. Finally, in a country where the average salary of the average worker is not enough to eat 3 times a day for a week and much less to buy medicines and other essential items for human life, the terrible service of subsidized energy is a necessity.

But the reality of our country is more than known not only within our borders but outside it, so we go to the article, on energy saving and on the possibility of obtaining clean, inexhaustible energy and with it the possibility of obtaining again part of the quality of life that politicians from both the government and the opposition have stolen from us in this beautiful and spurred country.


The current cost of electric power in Mexico:

According to studies on the efficiency and costs of electric power in Mexico, the cost of the service has been experiencing an upward trend that is between 9 and 12% per year in the last decade, which has been affecting the economic level of the Mexican family and also certain sectors of the industrial and business park in Mexico given the high costs of electric power. See Federal Electric Commission document on the subject.

However, the problem that exists at the level of generation, distribution and costs of electric power in is very complex, in fact according to the Federal Electric Commission even with the annual increases in service prices, they have not been sufficient to solve the problems and the institution has reported millionaire losses in some years, as seen in the document placed above.

As we have stated, the production process, added to the level of costs and its upward trend in the service of electric energy based on fossil fuels is very complex, since labor, contractual, investment, infrastructure, factors are involved in this process politicians and many others, which makes the situation of the electric service complicated and, end up being both business and residential consumers who end up paying the high costs that derive from this complexity mentioned above. To know more about the subject we recommend you read the Study on electricity rates in Mexico. Towards an efficient rate that supports economic activity. From the Mexican Institute for Competitiveness.

How much money can I save using clean energy and solar panels?

Both in the industrial sector and in the residential sector the saving is more than considerable, but it depends on the investment made to cover the energy expenditure of our house or company, so the savings in energy costs can vary between 40 and 95% in the cost of your usual bill.

How long do we recover our investment?

The answer to this question depends on the sector where the investment was made, in the case of the residential sector, where there is passive consumption, that is, where energy consumption is not used to produce goods and services, and therefore does not generate earnings, the investment could be recovered in a period between 5 and 10 years, depending on the panel system that you want to install in your home.

But we must take into account for this calculation, that the increase in electricity service in Mexico has an annual upward trend between 9 and 12% per year, so it is very possible that the investment will recover in less time.

On the other hand, there is an advantage in implementing these technologies in our home, which could allow us to reduce even more the time in which we will recover our investment, and it is the following, if with the solar panels that we place in our home, more is produced or generated Electricity from which it is consumed, it could be sold or entered into the national electricity system, generating balances in favor of our service bill, which would allow it to recover our investment in much less time than expressed above.

In the case of industries, businesses and businesses, the investment can be recovered really quickly, in fact there are companies that have recovered the investment in the first fiscal year, given the high levels of savings produced by the use of this generation system of energy

Another point in favor is the tax incentives given by the Mexican government through the Income Tax in its articles 32 and 34. to individuals, businesses and businesses, who invest in this area of the implementation of environmentally friendly energy technologies.

That is to say, the costs that are generated when investing in solar panels can be reduced from the payment of the income tax as typified by the law, which makes said investment very friendly thanks to the advantages that it generates.

What are the advantages of installing solar panels for the use of sustainable energy?

The advantages are very varied, among the main ones we can name the following:

  • Saving money, the use of solar panels reduce the consumption of electric energy produced by fossil fuels, between 40 and 95%, which means a large decrease in the cost of the electric service bill.
  • Tax benefits given by the State for the application of environmentally friendly sustainable technologies.
  • Total recovery of the investment in the medium and short term.
  • Profit continues for a long period of time. The solar panels have an average life of 30 years, in the most extreme cases the total investment usually recovers in about 10 or 12 years, since several factors intervene as we mentioned above, which allows a continuous gain for electricity savings for both families or companies that own this technology, for a period greater than 15 years.
  • By using solar panels, pollution processes in the environment are reduced, which in the case of companies that are seen as companies responsible for environmental policies and the planet. What would make enter the company and homes with these technologies in the category of companies and green homes.
  • Increase in the surplus value of households and companies that use this technology.
  • In addition to other benefits that are generated, so we can conclude that the use of solar panels and the use of clean energies are highly beneficial for companies and residential areas that use it. In the Venezuelan case, this is extremely important since it would not follow the mismanagement of the national electricity system, which has condemned us to countless national blackouts, with the consequences we all know.

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