Pleebs wasting money on fireworks for false independence

in #palnet5 years ago

Yes fireworks are going off all over the place for the laat week. Many people are living in hotels due to the tornadoes from a few weeks back don't have funds for housing but they have funds for cheap firecrackers. The booms are unmistakable sounds of an M80 or M100 going off. I wonder how many will be injured or cause a fire. I have not purchased these wasteful toys for years. I just spend the time off with my family and working on preperation.

Preparing for what you ask? The changes in our climate cycles that rich talking heads blame on carbon dioxide. @adapt2030 does a really good job showing the cyclical changes that have happened before on our planet. Cosmic rays do more to form clouds than the best coud seeding. While the sun is in a minimum more cosmic rays come in. Do you think this will stop governments from taxing you to death for freedom?

Leafly has turned into a nice news site to learn about cannabis. This is the closest product to Rick Simpson oil I have ever seen. Don't be a @weedcash nazi just because my entire post isnt about getting high. I don't know when or if I will use cannabis again. I still support freedom. Everything is legal but not everything is profitable.

Keep stacking steemians. Trump is trying to dump the dollar. Good thing we know how to diversify. I can't wait to be on top of everyone I have been trying to warn for the last decade.

I upvote nearly every family protection link. I love supporting their work to truely protect children from the wolves in gubment. For the less informed attacking them here is a number of articles proving their case against your attacks. How do you see their nice upvote supporting their supporters against the many tokens people are making? You sound like Elijah Cummings when he attacks Diamond and Silk. Then gets caught for corruption yet nothing happens to him.
Commiefornia always takes the cake. This is an old one but good one.

I could go on and on. Just remember those that believe they are free are the easiest to enslave.

I was looking for a nice quote I heard the other day from @highimpactflix but found this one more impactful for today.

America does not go abroad in search of monsters to destroy. She is the well-wisher to the freedom and independence of all. She well knows that by enlisting under other banners than her own, were they even the banners of foreign independence, she would involve herself beyond the power of extrication in all the wars of interest and intrigue, of individual avarice, envy and ambition, which assume the colors and usurp the standards of freedom.

John Quincy Adams

Doing the best I can to support a community that allows people to Express themselves freely. Helping to Ressurect the Republic with RepublicBroadcastingNetwork. Truth is on talk radio. If you want to return the favor then you can support me below.

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Raddog must like fireworks. Or maybe he doesn't realize that those who believe they are free are the easiest to enslave. A comment would be nice with your flag.

Posted using Partiko Android

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