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RE: photographs of my little Camila .

in #palnet5 years ago

si aqui en Venezuela es natural dar pecho en todos lados aqui la leche de formula es muy costosa pir lo que los medicos recomiendan la leche materna ya que protege mucho al bebe y a la madre al menos yo lo hice hasta los tres años es cierto como dices hay mucha gente mala redes saludos @nojahm
If here in Venezuela it is natural to breastfeed everywhere here the formula milk is very expensive for what doctors recommend breast milk since it protects the baby and the mother a lot at least I did it until three years is true as you say there are a lot of bad people greetings @nojahm

Posted via ReggaeSteem | Reggae Culture Rewarded

Y es hermoso poder darle a nuestros bebe nuestra nutricion.

Adelante mujer!

graciassss corazon

Posted via ReggaeSteem | Reggae Culture Rewarded

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