Music: We Didn't Start The Fire - Billy Joel

in #palnet4 years ago
We Didn't Start The FireBilly Joel

First off, sorry for the back-to-back posts, I haven't posted consistently and am just trying to catch up a bit. :)

Billy Joel is definitely a timeless artist and has some great hits! Here's one of them! :P We didn't start the fire is the epitome of how I feel about this fucked up world. People like you and I didn't start this fucking fire, but dammit we're gonna try to put it out, even if we don't feel like it's our responsibility. Why have the actions of others fucked us all over so much for so long? Why does the world have to work like this? Who knows, but what I do know is that songs like this get me pumped and remind me it's not my fault that things are so fucked. lol

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