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RE: Today I Buttered Bread with a Pair of Scissors

in #palnet5 years ago

You are definitely right about that. It has forced me to get a lot more creative. It's also better for the environment as I'm finding all sorts of ways to reuse my recyclable materials. For instance these great little glass yogurt containers have become our drinking glasses, wine glasses, toothbrush holders and even a vase. They are actually super useful in so many ways. The picture below is one of them. It also feels super fancy drinking wine or anything really from a tiny glass hahaha.

Posted using Partiko Android


Love those glasses - I use the smaller ones for water pots when painting. We are now at the point where I think we may have too many glass crème brûlée dishes and I can't think of any more uses.

They are super handy. I'm still surprised that they sell yogurt in glass containers here though. In Canada everything is in plastic.

Posted using Partiko Android

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