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RE: 😜Wacky Wednesday! 🤪Tell me more!🤪

in #palnet5 years ago
kharma.scribbles makes a submission dated August 28th, 2019.
Answer 4 questions the host has asked me today:
  • What are three items you could buy together at the grocery store to make the cashier laugh?
    Funnel, Vaseline, Exlax tablets
  • What is something you refuse to share?
    My Chromebook
  • What is your favorite dance move to do when you are at the club?
    I don't name my moves, I just groove baabay! ♪ ♪
  • What part of a kid’s movie completely scarred you?
    When Mufasa died on the Lion King


Tell you more? I could write a novel, and I don't provide 'TL;DR' versions!! But I will spare you today and stick with the theme of 4.
  • I'm addicted to music. I love listening to it 24/7. My most common voice command to my Google Home is "Hey Google, play my jam!"
  • My dog turned 4 years old this month and I rescued him when he was about 5 months old - He was trapped in his kennel with his family, being abandoned and dehydrated for at least 7 days already by the time we found him. A sibling of his passed on that night. He is lucky, but we are even luckier to have him!
  • I didn't think I would like STEEM, I had been here before but left after publishing only my second post. This time around second time is the charm, I'm having so much more fun!
  • I've been a hardcore gamer since I was young and gaming runs in the roots, but nowadays I can't really start to play any new game that is either not on a blockchain or doesn't allow you to earn crypto. Since jumping into the crypto world, it's encompass me and is a major part of my life and day!

I prefer pie, is that ok? :p

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