
High speed flight first, the gates have to be seeded Manually first....

Gate travel will require a controlled wormhole, we don't have the power source fof that yet.


The cool part is that with quantum entanglement appears to be instantaneous. They are planning to use quantum entanglement to reduce the error due to time differences. This will make GPS locations about 10 times more accurate.

But, we will eventually get there, on the power source for the gates. It is too interesting not to....


It would be great to use, the gate seeding ship could be automatic; with a crew in stasis, for backup.


With Stasis, we could reach the stars now, with a sleeping crew. The other choice is a generation type ship where great grand kids will be the ones that arrive. A ramscoop, to collect and use interstellar fuel, with an Ion Drive would arrive a lot faster. ALL exciting!


To double the odds, they should do both approaches simultaneously.

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