
Tulsa Oklahoma at the Brady Theater. Cold but nice tonight!


So, this wasn't Comic Con or something with other celebrities and other things like a convention? Just him? I love Shatner.

Just him, it was pretty nice! They screened the Wrath of Kahn first, and I enjoyed that too....


He played with the audience, and they played back; I don't know who had the most fun, LOL!


As a character, I prefer Picard over Kirk, but as a person, I kind of prefer William Shatner as an actor in general over Patrick Stewart.

I love them both, but I think they weakened the Captain's seat on the Next Generation, by placing the other seats along side, and discussing command decisions.

No actual ship works this way, because divided command is a danger in itself. But I have them on dvd anyway. I liked 'Picard' in Dune best.



In October of 2016, I was binge-watching through all the episodes of Star Trek Generation and then Voyager after that. I still need to watch the original series with Kirk. Also, Enterprise and Deep Space Nine. I am watching the new Picard show in 2020 and I saw a few episodes of Discovery.


TNG is still my favorite. I hear what you are saying but didn't Picard make the final decisions? How many times did Riker try to do his own thing and Picard would tell him not to, right? How many times did Picard disobey Star Fleet and the prime directive? It seems that Picard would get feedback similar to how Trump listens to people in a round table. Trump is still the President even in the mist of a long rectangle table where people are debating things.

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